I think there needs to be more American/North American staff. There are only 2 currently, and the other 6 are European. It is frustrating when no staff are on and someone is causing problems, or if someone just needs help in general. It's mostly just a time zone thing in the end. Thanks! @Staff @Admin @BlueFusion12
I'm pretty sure most people that play here are European. Now I do believe that we should get only a FEW more American staff members, we should also get more European members and new members from different continents so we can have more chat patrolling/working all day.
Ok after thinking about this I just wanted to make some concrete suggestions: More staff located in different time zones, and more staff that actually come on the server and not just on minechat. The lack of staff creates inconsistencies in the megacraft experience because sometimes the chat runs wild with trolls/ attention seekers that are not being punished, which reflects poorly on the server. I am only making suggestions for this server because I do care about it. NOTE: please do not lock this thread, its only 2 weeks old. I want this to be more of a discussion.
I seriously don't know how no one in our community in mega 2.0 or 3.0 moved on already. Side note: if you really want them to Be better, how about just hire better staff and look at their reputation instead of giving people 4 min conversations to have staff. Ever thought of that?
More staff is EXTREMELY needed, because right this second, there's two trolls spamming the chat with Nazi speak, insulting players, and just saying horribly offensive things.
You know I'm still here. I'm able to assist since I have experience being staff on a much larger server. Will be applying soon.