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Stricter enforcement of chat rules (Suggestion/Criticism)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SUPERxSNAP, Jul 3, 2016.

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  1. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    There is a very evident problem with this server's chat - Heck, the first thing that my friend said in regards to this server after I introduced him to it is "This chat is cancer", and since then, he hasn't logged into it. It's understandable that, given that the server is primarily focused on building and its 'Creative' server, the chat is going to get a little hectic at times as people are obviously going to want a break from building at times, however I have never seen the chat be such a prevalent problem on a server before.

    Sure, players are often times going to get bored and are going to converse with one another, however problems will and do tend to occur when large debates are created regarding politics, homosexual relationships, slavery, autism, and whether or not homosexuality is a choice. Sure enough, because there are no staff members online at the time, players feel the need to disregard any attempts to re-establish a civilized chat, and argue that their debates fall under freedom of speech.

    Lets talk about the server's chat rules:
    -No spamming chat
    -No cursing [Abbreviations are allowed]
    -No inappropriate language [Racism, Drugs, Sex]
    -No harassing players [Personal attacks/aggression]

    The above rules are ones that I see being constantly violated whenever I am online in some way or another, and the reason for this I believe is because these rules are either poorly enforced, or offer no repercussions that are severe enough to deter player's from violating them. Just to reinforce my point, here is the size of my current ignore list, and bare in mind that I rarely play with the chat enabled at all:
    Ignore list size.png
    When I am forced to add over 30 people to my ignore list in only a few days of playing, there's clearly a severe lack of discipline in regards to the chat. Just to clarify, I do not add people to my ignore list for no reason; I add people who are regularly breaking chat rules, or who are severely breaking chat rules on one occasion.

    No cursing
    So although the /rules list states that cursing is not allowed outside of abbreviations, it seems as though we are allowed to curse if we censor the majority of the word (i.e. F***), which by the way, confounds me greatly because not only is this not mentioned anywhere on the official rules command, but because of how short curse words tend to be, you only need to reveal one letter to somebody for them to know very clearly which word it is that you are trying to say. Another thing that confounds me about this, is that when you try to swear, you are automatically warned that "Swearing and attempting to bypass the filter is not allowed!", and yet it seemingly is allowed according to the chat, given that people are constantly bypassing it by replacing letters of said word with asterisks.

    Why this is a problem, is because it makes the entire server enormously unpleasant for everybody online. Given that Minecraft's target and main demographic is children, it's a reasonable assumption that a significant portion of the server's playerbase are children, and so they'll likely feel uncomfortable seeing constant swearing in the chat. Furthermore, given the emphasis that swear words tend to convey, they tend to instinctively stand out in the chat, which is incredibly distracting for those that are actually trying to build.

    Solution: Completely disallow swearing (Excluding abbreviations, which usually aren't offensive). This includes any attempt to by-pass curse words.

    More severe punishments
    Clearly swearing and offensive / sensitive language is against the rules, so why is it so common? I'll tell you - It's because players know that they can get away with this behaviour. Even if they are briefly muted for violating the chat rules, they know beforehand that they are not going to be punished for more than a few minutes. Staff are also incredibly lenient - For example, as I am writing this, a player is flat-out being allowed to offend another player over autism. There is also swearing, players being told to 'kys' (which means Kill yourself, which is a death remark), and spam, and yet nothing more than an occasional warning is actually being given. The chat has also been completely wiped by staff twice in the past five minutes.

    Why are staff so hesitant to punish other players? Here's how I see it:
    If a player is offending another user and you mute them for a few hours, they are only going to quit the server if they do not care about it, and had little interest in it anyways.
    However, if a player is being offended by another user and said user is allowed to continue being offensive, then the victim may flat-out quit the server permanently, despite having previously enjoyed spending time on it.

    Solution: Be less hesitant when offering warnings and punishments, and make punishments far more severe so that players are deterred from breaking rules.

    This thread isn't one that is supposed to convey offense or anger - I actually love this server, and find that it's very enjoyable (most of the time). The chat is a problem that many players before me have complained about however, and it has become a regular occurrence for players to remark about how poor, or "cancerous" the chat is in-game. Hopefully nobody is offended by this thread, as it's supposed to be constructive criticism rather than a rant (hence why I provided solutions for the problems presented).

    Here's a quick paragraph dedicated to that one person that's going to say "Just use /ignore":
    It doesn't take much for people to get offended, especially when something genuinely offensive is being said. It also only takes for a player to be offended for them to leave, without bothering to just ignore the player, as that one offensive individual has, to the newcomer, represented the entire server very negatively. Furthermore, players such as myself shouldn't feel forced to add dozens of players at a time to an ignore list, at the expense of our time and effort, because rules are not adequately followed by the playerbase.

    Here's another quick paragraph for the few players that were using the argument "It's free speech" earlier on in the chat:
    The server has established its chat rules for a reason - To ensure that your freedom of speech is not hindered or restricted too much, whilst simultaneously and reasonably disallowing you from abusing this "freedom of speech" to willingly offend other players.

    Thanks for reading, here's a kitten for those that managed to get to the end :)


    -Stricter enforcement of rules
    -Completely disallow swearing
    -Be less hesitant to punish players that are making the server less enjoyable for everybody else
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Thanks again to everybody that managed to read it all (I know it was quite lengthy :confused:)

    Also, feel free to argue against this thread if you disagree with me. At the end of the day, these are just my opinions, and you're under no obligation to feel the same way :)
  3. Ryerye1243

    Ryerye1243 Guest

    You know what the best solution for this is get new mods. I am sorry to some mods. I had a mod say to me one day " You know what rye your annoying,ya give meh aids why are you even playing on this server?" I was so pissed off,Like holy crap man! These staff shouldnt be Another day i was on ts the staff member was talking yadada not caring about the person in chat spamming "I rape cock", some of the staff where so good back then as "helper" And some of the staff that left/retired should be staff again. I know it was there choice but honest to good they where so good, :) (I am talking about @YaLadDisco ,@givenchy ,@DevilStuff ,and @YaBaeXander ) my point


    Admins pm me if you want to know my opinion of who is doing a bad job.
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  4. Xxnder

    Retired Staff

    Feb 28, 2015
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  5. Trist

    Jun 1, 2015
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    How to kill your community in one suggestion 101. Nobody should have to tip toe on egg shells around your safespace bubble so that your fragile special snowflake feelings aren't hurt by opinions that are entirely appropriate but "offend" you. Political correctness as well as moral relativity needs to be thrown into the garbage where it came from. This thread doesn't make you look better or increase your staff likelyhood like you thought it would. The assumption I've made is based on your repeated habit of mentioning by the hour of how great a mod you'd make. This makes you look anti-community driven and narcissistic to believe that your opinions are okay and others should be censored because if they offend you it magically becomes labeled "harassment."

    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. zLynn

    Jul 28, 2014
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    I'll be honest, staff should probably be less lenient. I think the main reason staff don't exactly want to mute/ban people is that the people who do this have become way too involved in the community, so they feel that they would be hated if they muted/banned them. (This is what I felt when I was staff, so I'm not spewing random stuff). Because staff were being lenient for WAY too long, the people who swear / act inappropriate are either
    well-known people in the community or people who have just joined the server. This is all just one large cycle.

    1) Player Joins
    2) Swear/Act Inappropriate
    3) Get warned
    4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 multiple times.
    5) Become a well-known player
    6) Repeat steps 2 to 3 infinitely

    There needs to be a break in this cycle somewhere. If no one stops it, Mega will stay like this. Breaking this cycle can either happen by:

    1) Magically transforming the toxic, well-known players into good, well-known players. (Not going to happen obviously)
    2) Wait for them to leave the server out of disinterest.
    3) Go to their house and torture them. (I'm joking here :p)
    4) Or, just quit warning them! Actually do something!

    Yeah, obviously Number 4 has the highest chance of actually working.

    Side note: @ryerye1243 Thanks, but I don't have plans to rejoin the staff team. It's too much pressure, and to be honest, there are too many reasons why I left and I'm too lazy to just type them all. I would end up with a 100-line paragraph. Lol :p
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  7. Senpai_Artic

    Retired Staff

    Jan 2, 2015
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    I don't want to write too much here I only want to mention about the mute system. We are actually very strict when it comes to muting. Swearing punishment is warning, 30mins/1hour mute, 1 day mute, 1 week mute, perm mute. That is only a example. However I do agree that staff do hesitate when muting/banning; being staff on here I do hesitate a lot. Most is because of the impact that player will react however as staff we need to expect people to hate us so most of the time I try not to hesitate. However; when it comes to people who swears or break rules a lot you can be unsure how to punish that player.

    The main problem with punishing is that staff aren't told who was punished and how long the ban/mute was. This leads staff to be unsure and unaware when it was; leading to fast reaction and what we feel was appropriate. This breaks the punishment order slightly but it is a hard thing to change.

    About having more mods; we defiantly want more so things run better in the community however it is extremely hard. This is mainly because of time zone and the player. If we do not know them that well due to time zone then it is difficult understanding how they are on the server. This makes us hesitate about picking players for staff.

    This is just few pointers and I will reply some more later when I get back home from school. :p

    Many thanks,
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  8. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    How to kill a community? The chat is toxic beyond all belief, and all I have done is proposed changes that if anything, would make the community better. By the way, your assumption that I have done this with the intent of raising my staff approval is wrong, since I am staff on another server already and therefore cannot become staff on any other servers. I asked you multiple times to end the conversation yesterday, and you continued to provocatively maintain it despite players in the chat getting offended. If anybody has presented themselves as 'anti-community driven', it's you.
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  9. xEvxnx

    Retired Staff

    Dec 23, 2015
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    As a retired mod, I would like to make a few points in relation to this topic :)

    The staff are in no way lenient, you may think so from your perspective, but for a second just step into the shoes of a mod. Staff are constantly being messaged asking question, dealing with players, helping players and it is not easy, I can assure you (I know :p) . We have a system that involves one warning, and if the action continues, a mute.

    About the issue with players only having to censor half of the word (eg. fu**), I do agree with you. I believe that if you are going to have a swearing rule it should be full. When someone swears and censors it, most people on the server can still make out the word, so what's the point? The fact that it is allowed if 1/2 or more of the word is censored also causes an issue when players claim they are not swearing (eg. User says ''**** you'', we warn them. User replies ''Oh I was just saying flip you, and that isnt a swear''. We dont know what the mean behind the asterisks so unless something is done about this this issue will persist.

    Thanks :)
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Ryerye1243

    Ryerye1243 Guest

    The reason i find @YaBoiSyd a good staff
    she doesnt give a crap about muteing/banning people!
    Thats a good staff
    and indeed, yes some staff not gonna say names, are scared of that happening ive only seen two major people do that just keep warning
    its like they take there face and put it on dory " JUST KEEP WARNING JUST KEEP WARNING"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2016
  11. Ryerye1243

    Ryerye1243 Guest

    Oh and a cherry ontop @YaLadFroz was perm muted for advertising, But meanwhile i see people spamming,swearing, and inapropiate language all the time you know what you get a 30min muted for spamming,swearing, and inapropiate language again. But right off the bat he gets a perm mute ehhh.. That doesnt sound right to me.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Trist

    Jun 1, 2015
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    How to kill a community: Kill the chat box. You don't want reform or rehab for toxic players, you want to punish much like the failed America judicial system. The community isn't toxic, their opinions just differ from yours and you're too narcissistic to see it. Bringing back the Goskomizdat with your mentality behind it would cut our player count in half.

    Normally I wouldn't take even a second out of my day to try and respond to this level of socialistic liberal nonsense but I'll explain what happened. So two players were arguing; one saying that gay is a choice and the other saying it was not. I decided to give my piece. For those of you who don't pay attention, my arguments are very strongly supported by logic rather than ad hominem. When you're both 1) young and 2) losing an argument, you'll resort to ad hominem or strawman which almost always occurs after I've given a strong piece of logic to back up my claims. This happens frequently because I don't sit on the fence regarding opinions and I often find myself on the politically incorrect side. I clearly said I believe gay is a choice and gave a rational example of why that is, and within seconds the chat exploded into anger towards me with people shouting "bigot" and "kill yourself." None of their replies affected me, and I reported none of them even though one of them was you.

    There's nothing wrong with being offended.

    Here's a great resource, recommend watching. It'll be worth your time. Skip to 3:21.
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  13. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    The point that I was trying to make wasn't necessarily that you were right/wrong, but rather that your argument was flooding the chat, and upsetting other users. Whether it was intentional or not, a Minecraft server is not the place to discuss such topics. Although I do agree with the video that you linked, that some people need to grow a thicker skin under certain situations, people in the chat were making it very clear that they were offended nonetheless. When somebody is offended, you do not continue to offend them; you stop out of respect, since it's a sensitive subject and it is therefore understandable why somebody might take offense to it. Please try to keep in mind that some people simply do not handle offense as well as others.

    If you'd like to continue this conversation then feel free to contact me on the forums, though I'd rather not continue it in this thread as it'll become very spammy.

    I have to disagree. When you're bringing topics such as mental disorders, homosexuality (Used in an offensive context) and slavery, then it's more than simply not sharing the same views as my own; it's toxicity. It wouldn't kill the chat box to further enforce the rules; it'd just make it more enjoyable for the casual and public audience. After all, this is why the rules are there in the first place, right? Correct me if I'm wrong on this, and I'm sure this is something that people will either agree or disagree on, but surely disallowing swearing and inappropriate conversations isn't going to kill the chat?

    Okay, thanks for the response :) Do you know whether there's a public thread on the forums, which lists all of the server's rules, and punishments for breaking them? I'm interested in seeing more of how the server's punishment systems work.
  14. ItzAntony

    Retired Administrator

    Aug 18, 2015
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  15. ObtuseMoose

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Using your form of excessive language, why are you still here?
  16. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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  17. lifekiller43

    Retired Staff

    Aug 3, 2015
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    i agree with you devil and also a little bit of disagree, some staff are less lenient, but tbh other people that was a former staff member are literally getting their cock sucked! The staff are literally either saying nothing or just say "Be Appropriate" or "Be Nice" it's complete bull shit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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