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Prison PvP suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SUPERxSNAP, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Warning, opinions below!

    Prison PvP has declined greatly, and the reason for this I believe is a combination of the following reasons:
    -It's unrewarding and basically pointless
    -It's repetitive and time-consuming
    -It's both visually and physically unappealing

    Rewards & incentive
    In order to make PvP more rewarding without players potentially exploiting the system, I reckon that various items should spawn in the PvP area that are either of high value, or cannot be obtained through any other means. For example, when the playercount is at its pinnacle, an announcement should be made along the lines of 'A Mythic Lucky Block has spawned at (X coordinates) in the PvP Area!', among various other items of reasonable value.

    Furthermore, it'd be interesting if there were a $10,000,000 tax to enter the PvP arena. This will do two things:
    -Will reduce the number of hackers in the PvP area, given that most hackers are rank A and have only joined the server with the intent to hack; they will not have $10,000,000.
    -Will add incentive for lower rank players to go into the arena, as they will be able to make $10,000,000 per kill

    To discourage unfair play and luring attempts, commands such as /dis (disguise) should be completely abolished within all PvP environments, and players should also be put under a seven second delay when attempting to teleport out. If interrupted by combat, the teleport will not occur, and players that log out during combat will also still drop all items.

    Lastly, I reckon that players should drop a guaranteed item upon death called a 'blood medallion'. The blood medallion will be an enchanted prismarine shard, and can be sold for varying amounts of money that will scale with your rank, meaning that though the item may only warrant say $50,000 for an A rank player, it could warrant $50,000,000,000 for an X rank player. To avoid players exploiting the system, the blood medallion cannot be dropped by a particular player more than once an hour, and players also cannot sell more than one an hour. Alternatively, blood medallions can be traded for an assortment of unique items, such as Uncommon Keys, Banners, Wither Skeleton Skulls, God Apples, Elytra's, plot pets, chain armour, etc. all for varying prices.

    Repetition and time consumption
    Currently, fights in the PvP area in Prison will almost always follow the exact same pattern of an arms race to break the opponent's armour, until said opponent is forced to teleport out. I feel the reason for this is the following:
    -Accessibility of God Apples
    -Rarity of adequate swords
    -Lack of diversity
    -Rarity of potions

    God apples are currently far too common, with the highest kits receiving dozens of them daily. These items are so common that they do not give any actual advantage in exchange for a sacrifice of wealth, but rather instead superficially extend the duration of each fight drastically because both parties tend to have them in large quantities. This results in armour being broken, and the loot of each kill being heavily devalued. To counteract these issues, I propose making God apples much rarer, as their presence in the Prestige and Legendary Crates implies they should be.

    Though armour is incredibly common (and therefore worthless), swords seem to be scarce.
    I propose introducing both more swords, and stronger swords, so that players can actually hit through the unnecessarily bulky armour that seems all too common.

    A massive reason as to why PvP is so repetitive on Prison, is that there is absolutely no diversity; swords are your only option. The reason for this is because items such as Shields, Bows and Axes cannot be obtained outside of a Crafting Table and typical Enchantment Table, meaning that these items will be both underpowered as a result of them being limited to vanilla enchantment figures, and far more difficult and tedious to acquire. To counteract this, alongside the insultingly poor rewards from both the Prestige Chest and the Mythic Lucky Blocks, I propose introducing items such as Axes, Shields and Bows to these drop tables with greatly varying stats. By doing so, players will not be automatically receiving the best items in the game upon opening a Mythic Lucky Block, and it'll be very RNG-Reliant. For example, though you may have received a Power XX, Unbreaking XX, Flame V bow from a block, another player could receive a Power XXI, Unbreaking XX, Flame VI bow. This means that players will continue to see purpose in both Crates and Lucky Blocks.

    Potions are currently very scarce in the PvP arena, and what confounds me is that players don't seem to know that they're actually accessible in the first place. The reason for their regular absence is because you need to actually purchase each individual ingredient from the /shop and then brew them manually. But of course, if potions are made available to everybody then nothing will change and PvP will still be incredibly stale. To counteract this, I propose adding modded potions to the drop tables of Rankup Chests, Vote Chests, Common Lucky Blocks, and Rare Lucky Blocks. These potions will have the same general effects (i.e. Speed II, Strength II, Regeneration II), however will have varying durations that exceed the vanilla timers. For example, you are currently only able to brew Speed II potions that last for 90 seconds, however you may be able to get one that lasts for 400 seconds from a Rare Lucky Block.

    Physical and visual appearance
    Though I love the idea of the PvP area also being a mine that contains unique blocks, the current environment is very unappealing to look at, with it consisting of a large tree, and a stone path. There isn't much room for fighting towards the right-hand side of the arena, whereas the left-hand side of it is unsuitable for fighting on since the mine has slime blocks in it that make it difficult to maintain combos or to escape combat. To counteract these issues, I propose expanding the PvP area and making it more appealing to look at, whilst also removing the slime blocks from the mine. Perhaps replace them with Endstone or Purpur blocks instead :)

    Thanks for reading (assuming you read it) :) Do you agree, or disagree? Why?
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  2. ObtuseMoose

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Anyone from rank A to Z can be a hacker. lol.
    Do you have any suggestions for a new map?
  3. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    What I meant is that most hackers aren't usually willing to invest time into the server before using their hacks. If they know they can't just immediately start hacking on the legitimate players without having to mine for $10m beforehand, they'll probably go to another server to hack. It won't get rid of hackers entirely, but it'll reduce them :)

    As for a new map, I was thinking perhaps integrating the old KitPvP maps and their rotation system into Prison, so that every day there is a different map to play. As for the larger maps, they could be reduced in size so that only certain areas of them are accessible, so that PvP doesn't just turn into a game of hide and seek.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Lancez

    Oct 2, 2016
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    KitPvP will probably be a new game mode soon, so i don't see the point adding a new map every day in PvP arena.
  5. ProbablySid_

    Retired Staff

    Aug 22, 2014
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    My favourite thing on minecraft is PVP so I love this idea. I was just wondering what would the people who already have stacks of God apples do? Would they lose them?
  6. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Perhaps they could take the most beloved map and edit it in a way that makes it unique? Perhaps updating an older map to the builders' standards of today. Or if they have the time to do so, they could create a whole new map.

    I suppose after a few weeks, if PvP is continuously encouraged, the amount of god apples in the game will slowly be reduced. I can't really see another way of doing it, as removing them all from the server would result in a backlash.