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Rejected build feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SpecialTK, Oct 15, 2017.

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  1. SpecialTK

    Aug 14, 2017
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    I submitted a plot for review but heard nothing. Asked staff member NotMyFault if my review was being done and got a very blunt 'denied'! Is he/she this bloody rude to everyone or is it just me? After all, when someone has put 25+ hours into a build, surely they can expect something more constructive than ' not good enough'. BenIsBae seemed to rate it ok when I asked. Perhaps Not My Fault was just having a bad day. Thoughts?
  2. NotMyFault

    NotMyFault The Sanctuary
    Retired Administrator

    Jul 9, 2016
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    I didn't review your plot, I just saw that it got denied.
  3. SpecialTK

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Then why didn't you say? Monosyllabic messages don't exactly encourage or help. If 'helping' is your function. Where do I get feedback? And when? I joined the server to improve my building - how does 'denied' do that? Point me at the person to ask if you can but don't just shut people down. It's rude and annoying! I am ALWAYS polite. Is it too much to expect that in return - or is this server run by ignorant 12 year olds?
  4. Buffers

    Retired Staff

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Before I delve into my response, let me attempt to enlighten you with some 'words of wisdom': Talking to people nastily or disrespectfully, especially people in an authoritative position, won't get you very far, and will likely result in you getting ignored. So I'd suggest you revise your attitude if you're actually seeking assistance, whether it be in Minecraft or the real world.

    Moving on, staff are (almost) always willing to offer constructive criticism on submitted builds, but you need to understand that sometimes we're very overwhelmed and simply may not have the time to help you at that given moment. With that said, if you deliberately ask a staff member to critique your builds and they refuse, you can always file a report on the forums if you can provide screenshots of the incident. So, if you're seeking build advise from a staff member, simply ask in chat "Are any staff available to help explain what I can improve in my build for (whatever) rank?", and we will almost always respond unless we're busy helping other people.

    Hope this helps,

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