Horrific ;) Sid and Fault were good promotions. The other promotions were given at the time because Blue had no other option because he had no one else to fall back on :) It is all over the place at the moment tbh, absolute chaos within the server and the staff team.
Have to agree with Antony on this; everything within mega is going horribly wrong and needs sorting out. There is chaos but we are hopefully soon going to sort it out and hopefully try and calm it down. However, I can't make promises I am afraid.
Moving onto staff changes yes fault and Sid promotions were probably the best ones and the only good ones but the other promotions, including mine, was mainly because of the need of staff for the server and the lack of certain ranks. Most of the ones that were bad was rushed and not thought about in depth.
Let's just say this, when an Owner promotes a Helper to Admin and gives them console access, it shows that he doesn't have the best actions in the world right? (Full console access) I work on Mega for 1 year and 3 months, I was Admin/SuperAdmin for most of that.
I was given console access to the server I made (Skyblock) Never once got OP or console on Creative to fix anything. From probably the most trusted staff member with 3000 hours of playtime to deleting the server from his server list. That is never a good sign.
Ohh, let me just add one more thing. 1) Skyblock is the server I made. Brings in the most money, has the second amount of players and the community is nice. 2) Robo made KitPVP - 0 Players and $0. I think Blue left it a little too late for his server to be fixed. Jack did a good job on kitpvp but clearly it doesn't matter.
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