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Survival suggestions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dabomberownz, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Dabomberownz

    Retired Staff

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I think at this point, we can say survival is well and truly dead. No way back. A few threads have been made regarding the matter but none of them have actually done anything to try and help the server. Mainly because, there is no helping the survival server, It needs to be reset. As Blue has said a reset won't happen without changes to the MC2 system so here are a few changes I would apply to a new survival 'revival'
    Whether it is 'fair' or not, players want FREE TPs. If they didn't they would play pure vanilla, not a world where you pay for just about everything. Why take the fun out of the game by making players walk for 5 minutes just to meet with another player? or even longer than 5 minutes. Its not what people want. If people don't want tps making the game unfair, they make nether hubs. We can't have that because there is too much organisation and time required. Unless someone was giving permissions to make protections in the nether, in this case we may be able to have a nether hub system. Either way, you have a nether hub or you have free teleportation , one or the other, players don't want to walk when they would type a command instead or travel 1/8 the amount of blocks by using a nether hub system. 2.0 system of tping never worked, no one ever liked it. Function > fairness.
    MC2 protection system was smart, but I personally didn't like it because it was too hard to protect large areas. For example I had a walled off 50x50 are which I used as my base. The cost of protecting the walls was too much so I decided to leave them unprotected. I wish I could have but with the way the economy worked it was too hard to acquire that much money weekly, especially considering there was a good chance daily login bonuses wouldn't work. For this reason the wall was griefed countless times and I just eventually gave up on it. Owning a large base like I did wasn't easy to protect either, I would be constantly griefed due to protection bugs and not being able to afford the protections. Countless times blocks would be placed or missing which is just annoying and made me dislike the system of protection. There is no good way of player-made protections that are going to be within reasonable size. I say staff protections should be brought back. Takes a lot of hassle out of the game.
    Money was too hard to get in MC2 simply because all our money went towards taxes and protection making. Blue has said taxes are there to stop inflation occurring. The first survival server had a terrible economy because of glitches, exploits and 'unlegit' money ( money being brought into the server by superadmins+) IMO unlegit money was the biggest thing, next to exploits, but remember hoggy isn't staff anymore, he was supplying the most amount of exploited money. I really don't see inflation being a problem if money doesn't play a big part on the server and no extra money is put into the economy by anyone who isn't playing legit survival (superadmins+) exploited money should be easy to rid of as well if we are using a virtually currency again (cubits instead of emeralds) The money in the new economy should only have use in player made shops, this way the economy won't play a big part on the server and won't cause problems to lead to corruption.
    Add it. Kit pvp or normal survival world pvp, either one. Its needed. Come down hard on people complaining about losing stuff if thats what you're fearing. Mutes for talking about 'unfair' pvp. Whatever it takes the put it back in the server. 1 PVP arena in the survival world and a kitpvp map.
    Alot more thing need to addressed clearly but this thread is already too big and I doubt many will read it but I'm just outlining what I think should be done in survival. I enjoyed 2.0 when people played it, but not so much when it was just me, while I could've been playing singleplayer.
    Please post your opinion on the topics ( economy, protections, pvp and warps) and have fun finding all my spelling mistakes in the post ^_^
  2. BiduBR

    Retired Staff

    Aug 8, 2014
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    I understand you but some of the stuff would not work because this is a public server no like the mindcrack server, the cube ect but you got good ideas and the survival server defnetly needs a restart and some ppl cant play because they do not have food to start out so blue should include like a daily 20 steaks kit or something like that
  3. Dabomberownz

    Retired Staff

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Like I said, you chose one or the other. My choice would be free tps because like you said its a public server
  4. BiduBR

    Retired Staff

    Aug 8, 2014
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    ye i agree with u and free /home would be awesome
  5. BlueFusion12

    Retired Administrator

    May 27, 2014
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    Well spoken bomber. It is time for a big change... and I mean a big change. PvP will probably be a part of the new system. Also, I have a lot of ideas for mod-like features along with a lot of new stuff players can do early game.
    I agree, a lot of the things in MC2 were way too hard, and that is my fault. I will work to make the game easier in the early stages of playing while still offering a challenging system.

    That being said...
    As of now, the future of Bukkit/Spigot is unknown. With the crap that has been going on in the community (EULA, Bukkit shutdown, DMCA, Microsoft), starting a massive 4+ month project on a potentially deprecated system is foolish. An entirely new Minecraft server API could be released or the true death of Bukkit could be realized, rendering my work pointless. I will continue to make changes and improvements to the current MegaCraft servers, but I am halting all development of new servers and games until I have confirmation that either Bukkit will be continued or a new API will be accepted.
  6. BiduBR

    Retired Staff

    Aug 8, 2014
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    nice but if microsoft does buys mc they can change the eula rule if they want and micros are money freaks so it might change so you would not have probelms with it
  7. Poopy_Farty

    Sep 12, 2014
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    I agree, just creative, survival and survival spin offs like skyblock aren't enough for a server. A pvp sector would be awesome, but again that would attract arguments about "hacks". What I'd personally like to see is minigames.
  8. BlueFusion12

    Retired Administrator

    May 27, 2014
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    This could go either way. As of now, Mojang is doing little to enforce their EULA. Given the size of Microsoft, they could easily go after any and everyone. Also, given their desire to control the platform, they might ditch servers all together in favor of their own in-house multiplayer system. Keep in mind this is still all speculation, but I would argue the acquisition could go horribly wrong.
    Trust me, I want to see minigames so badly as well. However, working on Minigames really involves dropping work on all existing servers and just powering through the massive amount of infrastructure needed for something like a custom Minigames network. As of now, I want to improve upon our existing servers until I receive work that my work will not be for nothing.
  9. Poopy_Farty

    Sep 12, 2014
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    I suggest you interview real life friends or online friends to be co-owner, more owners programming means faster results. :D
  10. BlueFusion12

    Retired Administrator

    May 27, 2014
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    I have many friends, however almost none of them known Java programming (other than dooff_, but he is usually busy). Some of them are learning, but none are at the point where they have the knowledge to assist in MegaCraft development.
  11. LASC

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Woah Hoggy Supplied Unlegit Money?
  12. dooff

    Retired Staff

    Jul 29, 2014
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    That was the reason for his first demotion. He got Mod back but he decided he didn't want to be staff anymore so asked Kad to demote him. Personally, nothing against Hoggy, he's a constant source of entertainment, it's probably for the best that he doesn't hold a staff rank anymore.

    The only thing I probably have on Blue when it comes to programming is the maths of it. Blue probably doesn't know much about algorithm analysis. That being said, Java does most of the algorithm analysis for you. One of the only things it really leaves to you is sorting and searching but again, JDBC does that for you when you do database work. Just have my fingers crossed that Blue knows when to use ArrayLists v LinkedLists by now. ;)

    This is probably the biggest issue at the minute. I agree that something should be done about survival if we can maintain the server and I'm up for helping program stuff if we do. But putting the effort in now is like betting it all on red.

    MS have a habit of following up copyright infringements. Most big software businesses do. But this is definitely a case out of the ordinary and it's likely that Mojang will fight for certain aspects of the game to be maintained. So it is a very difficult situation to predict the outcome for. We'll just have to wait and see.
  13. Zengakukatsu

    Jul 29, 2014
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    i agree with dab about tp but i feel like ranting so yeah,

    The reason why people need tp is because they want to work together, servers are made for players to interact, and without tp that isn't gonna happen. . For any system to survive there needs to be changes, updates, fixes, all those things that survival lacked. 1.0 was so good because players were able to create change that influenced others, through the tp system. Also The original economy was broken for many reasons though, I personally got money by afk farming my triple cave spider spawner for wool. Take that stuff into account, if you have a general bank where resources can be bought or sold Infinitely then it will be abused.

    And for plugins even if you think you prevented something think again, people will find a way. Even if I can't find a way then somebody will, and blue knows how good I am at finding a way (ex: diamond armor/golden apples in kitpvp, getting to places you aren't supposed to be using /call, finding a way to greif any location in megacraft 1.0, even spawn, infinite iron in 2.0 without need to be logged on, Finding a better way to greif any location in 2.0, crashing the server in kitpvp (I guess I never really reported that one), escaping the survival games arenas, getting to worlds i shouldn't have been in, etc)

    Basically there will always be exploits
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
  14. dooff

    Retired Staff

    Jul 29, 2014
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    The best way to avoid exploits is to keep the actual logic involved very simple. Also, fixed markets are boring and a bad idea. Systems that can counteract change make it difficult to abuse by doing to same thing over and over.

    Okay... Looks like a dissertation. =P

    • A flat rate is bad. It may seem good when you only need to teleport 100 blocks away but once you try and teleport 10k blocks, you're emptying your wallet. Something like a base cost plus a lower rate is much better. That'd be the simplest way around this issue.
    • How often someone teleports could be taken into account. People who are more frugal/resourceful should be rewarded, I feel. It makes the game fairer.
    • Different methods of transport would be cool but the fact is that minecart systems are expensive, slow, ugly and bulky. Other methods of transport are either buggy or have their own limitations. Horses are actually probably a bit better than minecarts but I find them buggy/laggy. Maybe we could travel by dragon?
    • Teleporting or transport in general is really important to people being able to play together. It needs to be as readily available, currently it is not.
    • To be honest, this one is difficult because land is a contested resource. Protections need to be fair to all players.
    • Again, resourceful people should be rewarded. The idea of protections costing money is fair. Perhaps they should be cheaper while a physical cap can be put on the amount of land you can protect.
    • Time limited. An idea could be to make people pay tax in person. Maybe you could do it this way and pay your tax in advance. This way, the protection wears off.
    • They're really cool but they feel like an extra, not an integral part of the server.
    • They're static. Nothing moves when a building does its thing. It just puts stuff in the chest. So boring. =P
    • I feel like they should involve more people. At the minute, one person owns a kingdom and everyone else is just an extra. They don't have a "community" feel to them. That would be fun. More incentives for joining a kingdom.
    • Big kingdoms would be the shit, I mean, pretty cool.
    • Donkey caravans.
    • There are so many resources already built into Minecraft. We should to tap into that and make them harder to get unless you specialise. It'd be cool to have farmers, miners, smiths, apothecaries etc.
    • They're not control points. No one contests other people for control of high resource areas because high resource areas don't exist.
    • Need it. What we also need is a way to allow those who don't want to PvP a way out. A command that turns off PvP for you but costs something to turn it on and then also to keep it on?
    • Squidnado
    • Winner Winner x 2
  15. Dabomberownz

    Retired Staff

    Jul 27, 2014
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    sooo.....Time to start planning?
  16. _JEM

    Sep 18, 2014
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    Maybe for protections have a set amount of blocks say 10k blocks. You use that many blocks(X,Z axis) from when you start. When you get promoted to another rank you get maybe 1k more blocks that you can use. It make people have to manage the amount of blocks of protection get but still free. Another thing that could work is being able to spend MC for land maybe 1 cubit for 25 blocks. I sort of liked the idea of you paying for your protection but some players just don't want to deal with having to earn money just to keep something safe. I feel the same system could work for teleporting.
  17. Dabomberownz

    Retired Staff

    Jul 27, 2014
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    And what part of the system do you think failed then....?
  18. dooff

    Retired Staff

    Jul 29, 2014
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    The idea of breaking protections down to individual blocks would be difficult, if not impossible, to implement without excessive lag.
  19. DonaldJohnTrump_

    Jul 30, 2014
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    To get more players, I think we should bring back some of the Perks from the old a Mega survival such as the warps that dab mentioned. And maybe a better protection system that is eaiser? Maybe a rank system like the old mega where you build things for a rank up. The reason I liked that idea for survival because it kept a majority of the server with nice and clean builds unlike this new mega (no offense to anyone) We could have it to where you submit your protection like the creative server to have the build/builds checked. Also maybe we could bring back some of the donated perks back. Just some suggestions. @BlueFusion12
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Dabomberownz

    Retired Staff

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I mean, most of the donator perks took away the survival aspect of the game (/god , /fly)
    Commands I'd love to see back are /asc, /top, /desc and possibly /repair ( this command could be limited to once a week, however the whole inventory of the player could be repaired)
    Its really about balancing the donator perks, 2.0 took them all away to give advantages in ranks, which I took advantage of but a lot of donators didn't see the clear advantage.

    Honestly, I never saw a problem with the old protection system, besides the fact that certain mods/admins protected too much area for themselves mainly. If the old system was brought back, a simple 'no build, no protection' rule could be put in (as was used often in the old mega). Also limit protection sizes for mods and admins. Donators shouldn't have the ability to create protections this time, in my opinion.