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What do you dislike about this server?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SUPERxSNAP, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    I feel there's a lot of discontent within the community, but nobody's talking about why it is that they're dissatisfied. If the community were to explain in this thread what it is that they dislike about the server, then perhaps these criticisms will be heard, and will be responded to :)

    If you want to discuss what you like about this server, you can do so here:

    Try to focus on both the problem, as well as the potential solution. Also, try to stick to criticism rather than hate, as blindly trash-talking the server's management or staff team helps no one and simply makes you part of the problem. Personally, my only dissatisfaction with the server is its illogical stance on swearing, where we cannot swear unless we censor the majority of the word. You can still see which swear word is being said, but the added asterisks just make the chat messy. The solution to this would be to just disallow swearing all together, though I don't think this is a possibility given that I've discussed this multiple times before.

    I think it'd also be interesting if planned updates that have the potential to dissatisfy the playerbase (i.e. Sell price changes) were to be polled prior to being instated, so that the community actually feels that it has a voice and an impact on the changes that are made to the server.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
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  2. kailanchauhan

    Jul 26, 2014
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    This probably just me, but I would like made public the processes that the staff team use.
    What I mean is that I want to know the things they look at, for example, in viewing builds for ranks or deciding whether to accept someone into the staff team.

    I find that people are waiting a long time for their application to be accepted/denied. Before they privatised the application section, I saw that many many new players were applying without any experience and this clogged up the list, so players who might actually have a chance of getting through were not seen. I want to know if this still happens and also the things that they look out for in players or in applications - not just if they have met the baseline criteria listed at the top.

    Though I don't really do well at building, other players do and for them, there aren't many criterias to meet. All I know of are: For builder fill 1/4 of the plot, experienced fill more of the plot and have more detail, and then increasing level of detail and thought of structure throughout the build with the higher ranks. For me, it is not clear exactly what things I should include in my builds. For example, should I build walls with depth and detail or just a wooden facade for experienced?

    If I missed something or you require more information,
    PM me by clicking my signature.
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  3. lifekiller43

    Retired Staff

    Aug 3, 2015
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    i think what the main problem with mega is partially the staff team, now i can say, the staff have actually been improving (I haven't been on in a while, idk) But there are a few people that annoy me and that are really destroying the reputation of the staff. Now, i wont call them out mainly because i'd get silenced for it and this person doesn't like to take criticism to his/her advantage. Anyways this particular person is on quite often, which really doesn't make a problem, but it does when the person is being angry/flamey/dishing out random punishments/ etc. This person obviously doesn't have the criteria to be a staff member, idk what it is. Maybe my allergies are getting to me and this is all an illusion. But yeah.

    The second problem is blue,
    Now before i say the problem, i know it is really hard to run a server while in college, but blue hasn't been on, or hasn't done much for the past months. <------ this isn't the problem, my REAL problem is that because of him not being there, no one can do anything or change anything. He doesn't give his staff more permission to do anything, i'd say he doesn't trust a lot of his staff members, but he kind of contradicts his points at the same time saying that the staff he recruits are the best staff there. Let me just say, THERE ARE A LOT OF OTHER GOOD PLAYERS THAT APPLY AND DON'T GET ACCEPTED EVEN IF THEY MATCH THE CRITERIA! If you disagree with staff members, and you make posts "Slandering" the megacraft rules, most likely if you apply, you wont make it. It seems like he's rigging it. This brings me to the next point,

    He can't take criticism. And so does some staff members, if you say something that they don't like, but in a way it could help the server, they'll dish out some kind of unusual punishment and ignore your "Stupid worthless" criticism. If you've seen the "Forums Rules/Enforcement" Thread made by blue (It's rn accessible using the news section in sept 22) then you will see how he doesn't take criticism correctly.

    Third: The forums, As you can tell the staff team has decided to make rules on forums where you cant curse, nor can you say anything inappropriate. Many people may not know, but a person by the name of @The_Kadrek made a thread, one of the section of his paragraphs said: "POLL THE PEOPLE", the staff team decided not to do it with those 2 rules. At some points we like to cuss and let some stuff out on our minds that our parents or relatives wont let us say at home, so pretty much, they're treating you like they're your mothers/parents or something.

    Third PART B: This is a little bit weird and late, but i was apparently banned off of forums for a week because apparently i made a 9/11 joke, while someone said "Happy 9/11" and didn't get any punishment. I got a punishment for saying "Rip 2000 people plus 1.6million iraqi people that didn't do anything" I just wanted to give you an example of how some staff members have handled their own situations and how they decide to punish people, maybe someone should recruit better people.
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  4. Ryerye1243

    Ryerye1243 Guest

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  5. Polaris_Wolf

    Aug 9, 2016
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    Well that's very to the point ^^^
    I dislike people who are new to the server and don't even try to do anything, while saying "this server sucks" or "this server is boring". Like seriously, you've been on here 5 minutes, chill. Not that anything can be done about this but ye
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  6. lifekiller43

    Retired Staff

    Aug 3, 2015
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    i've been here for one year, and @ryerye1243 has been here for one year. You've only been here for about 3 months and you're telling me that i am complaining and saying that i've been here for five minutes? Hmm....
  7. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    I completely understand what you mean about this. I won't mention the staff member's name as I don't want drama, but I was enjoying kitpvp a few weeks ago, when a staff member began to rage into the chat immaturely at me, calling me a spammer, a noob, etc. and was complaining that I had ruined their KD. This wasn't a one-off thing either; it happened four or five times. Way to make your playerbase feel unwelcome. I understand that having more staff members means that the server can be moderated throughout the day, but if the consequence of that is having staff members that are completely unfit for the position because they cannot handle losing in a game that has no consequences for dying anyways, then a better alternative would be to greatly encourage the playerbase to report rule-breakers when no staff are online, and to tighten their criteria when recruiting new moderators. It'd also greatly help if we could see exactly how punishments are distributed.

    I think the reason for this may be because they're confusing criticism with what has recently become common hate. Most "criticisms" that I have seen thus far have focused entirely on an ambiguous problem (i.e. "Staff team so stupid ugh you should resign") rather than focusing on the solution, which might be why they are now keen on silencing anybody that contradicts what they want to hear.

    I agree that for the sake of consistency, the rules on the forums should match the rules on the server.

  8. Polaris_Wolf

    Aug 9, 2016
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    Did I ever once say your name? No. Stop assuming that every little thing is about you. I quite obviously said "I dislike people who are NEW to the server..." Take a chill pill.
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  9. hbl


    Apr 6, 2015
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    Whilst I kind of agree with you, not all new players are as idiotic and useless as you think. If you see a player who thinks this server is boring or bad and you disagree with them, don't just call them out. Help them. Do what the staff members should do instead of ignoring them. Together, we can make a change. :)


    What I dislike about the server, and what pretty much everyone else said, is how ignorant and lazy some staff members are. And how disappointing their actions in the past few weeks have been.

    It's been "leaked" or "said" that apparently staff members are chosen/applications are accepted only if you are a good cantidate... AND that you have to be... RECOMMENDED BY A STAFF MEMBER? Now this is utterly disgusting. Never in my staffing career have I seen a way to accept an application or a way to choose someone in such a corrupted way.

    The way which I have described in will never get people like me accepted. Since I have such a bad reputation on here, hell, even being called out by a certain mod about how I shouldn't have came back from my break... it's impossible for me to actually get any application of mine accepted, even though my application is almost flawless. I've sent my application (the exact one I submitted ~3 months ago) to many owners and administrators of servers and they said that my application is really great and that I would get accepted.

    That's not what happened.

    In fact, my application didn't get a response. I can't even see if it was denied, and no one commented on it. Come on. Maybe, @BlueFusion12 , since you're so inactive, put your trust in someone else (@ItzAntony ) and put them as a staff member. Maybe something would change... for good.
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  10. ItzAntony

    Retired Administrator

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Server Rules
    • I feel like we as a server need to have real guidelines for players on what they can and what they can’t do. I feel right now a lot of players are confused on the rules, e.g., ‘How many caps am I allowed to use before you get muted’ ‘My friend was banned for 30 days for an inappropriate build, and I was only banned for one week’, Things like that. I feel we need to have a correct layout for both the players and the staff team to follow so that we are all on the same page about how things work. Thus will not only help players see that staff are not always in the wrong when they ban/mute a player, but it is also just the player doesn’t know what rule they broke. If players know the rules, then they are less likely to break the rules. (In all sense, put a place on the forums displaying all of the rules with the punishment next to them.)
    Staff Ranks
    • I attempted to make a real type of layout for staff and gave a quick overview to all of the staff members. I feel like we should have a set job for each team rank like it is supposed to. Eg. Jr. Mod would only be allowed to temp mute, temp ban and would have restricted access to what they do. Jr. Mod would be strictly for watching chat and helping players; they would also be able to accept builder plots so that once they are ready for a promotion to Sr. Mod they would be able to review designer builds. I chose the name Jr. Mod because it gives that player a little bit of more authority and shows that the staff member is not a donator (lmao). Over the two courses of us having the staff rank “Helper” players have treated them horribly (Not all but some) I feel like this would clear the air and show players that Helper is a staff rank. Sr. Mod, this would take the place of the Mod rank we currently have now. This rank would give moderators more to do, e.g., Under the Sr. Mod rank, there would be little tags like ‘Social Manager’ ‘Events Manager’ etc. They would be little tags on the forums. I feel this would allow moderators to come together as a team and create something epic for Mega. There are more ranks that I have, but it would be too long to type out. (I know we change the staff ranks a lot, but the systems are always alike, I feel that giving ranks dedicated roles, things will run a lot more smooth, e.g., Right now, I’m an Administrator, not a Staff Manager lol. I also made the sky block server for Mega; some would say that creating servers is not what an Admin should be doing). The way I have also laid out is so everything would fall into place when something needs to happen.
    • MegaCraft is an excellent server, but over the past couple of months, the servers have started to get boring or die down. I know that people are at school, so that is one problem we currently have but with the amount of people that join and don’t stay it is appalling. I feel like the staff should get together, take another look at the suggestions thread very carefully and choose all of the suggestions that were mainly liked by players and get them added. I feel that they need to be updated, once the staff team has gone over all of the suggestions and we get new ideas to update them all. We would post a thread on the forums with all of the things we will be adding/removing with a date so that players know when it will be happening. Thus allowing us to see if the players are going to like what we add/remove to the server. For the servers like Prison, they should be revamped. The Prison server was alright to start off with, but it was made too quick and rushed so it was not done to a good enough standard as to where it can keep a stable player base. I also think we should have better competitions on each server and better prizes for the winner of each server.
    The fact that it isn’t “unique.”
    • Now hear me out lol. Mega was once exclusive, obviously. It gained many players from just having world edit. But now that other creative servers have world edit that are much bigger, it seems that Mega has gone down a lot. I am not saying that Megacraft should change completely, but we should be known for something. Yes. We have creative and world edit. But we are not “Known” for it. We need to be known for something else that makes us unique within the “Minecraft world” Currently our servers have mainly what all other servers have. I feel it would be a good thing for Mega to create a unique game mode that players will join and enjoy, whether it is ultimately economy based with a custom texture pack and map with an awesome theme that people would like or something along the lines of that. Some servers are a network with different game modes, but they are also known by other names.
    Staff Applications
    • Yes, I know what most of the people are going to say here lmao “But uhh... Uhh.. you’re the staff manager”. No. I am not, I am an Admin of the server with a tag that says staff manager, I don’t manage the staff, maybe it looks that way because of who the staff speaks to about issues, but I am not. I feel like we should restart the staff application process. Make a real standard list of needs of what you need to become staff. We currently have over 23 pages of staff applications lol, now 20x23=460, that would take a ton of time to go through all of the applications. I feel that Admins+ if we were to get the staff system I suggested put in place would all have a meeting after the monthly staff meeting and go over all of the staff applications that we have for that month, we will either deny/accept ones as we go along. This will not only make it easier for us, but it will make it easier for players who wait for 4-6 months just to even have their application reviewed.
    Lack of communication
    • Between the players and the staff, there is no communication. Either players are having a rant at staff because a player has been muted or banned. Even sometimes when a staff member makes one mistake as a simple mute. It is very easy for the staff member to tab in the wrong name, players do it all the time when they try to msg someone or when they try to @ someone in chat. I feel that the staff need to have a connection with the players, whether that is hosting different events for the players and all round just making the server more fun. Yes, staff are strict right now, but we could make us less tough. The mutes/bans would be the same, but we could fix up the rules and make the server less of an army camp and more of a friendly community again. I feel that there is a disconnection between most of the players and it would be awesome if we could fill that gap up and ‘Make Mega Great Again!’ ;) I feel like one way to start would be to fix the swear filter. That was a huge issue even though at the time, in my opinion, swearing was never an issue but that is not for me to decide nor am I going to talk about it more because I know a riot will break out. I feel like if we get a swear filter that doesn’t stop the message from going through would be a good start, this way people don’t bypass the filter just to send their message through but also having a toggleable swear filter. Eg. /swear on - ‘FUCK’ and /swear off (Default) ****. I feel this would help a lot as there are people that do like to swear a lot and some people that don’t like to swear. Players would still NOT be allowed to swear at each other.
    Maybe I shouldn't have written any of these here as I am an Admin, but I feel like the players already can see what is happening. These are just a few things I don't like about Mega and I think can be fixed. At the moment most of us are just scattered and can't get any of it fixed, but if we worked together as a real staff team, then most of the issues that occur or might take place will be repaired. :) If some of this doesn't make sense it is because I just wrote the first few things that came into my head.
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  11. Divine_Sophie

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Agree so much, I have no idea which rules warrant which punishments, or whether warnings are given or not, etc. Would be great to have an official clarification on the forums / in-game.

    Yaaas, could do PvP competitions (Thus revitalizing KitPvP and perhaps Prison), Prison and Skyblock giveaways, fan-art competitions, build competitions, video competitions etc. It'd be a fabulous way to promote forums activity and communication between the staff team and ordinary playerbase.

    Also agree. I remember joining this server solely because an old friend of mine asked for backup in some feud that he was having, but came back because of how generous the Creative perks were to non-donators. It'd definitely help the server if Megacraft was to have something entirely unique, though unfortunately most decent ideas have been taken at this point :( Perhaps a Player vs Monster type of game, such as Raids?

    I may be wrong, but I also get the idea that there's a lack of communication within the staff team itself, primarily because of the confusion surrounding the rules and punishments. I like to think that once the rules have been reestablished, communication will gradually improve.

    Sounds great!

    Actually, I think being an Admin is why you should've posted this. Everybody seems so afraid to criticize something in case it is perceived as hate, but criticism is actually one of the most helpful things that you can receive, as it tells you exactly what you're doing right, and also which field you're not doing so great in. Nobody should be worried to voice their opinions so long as it provides a solution, and isn't ambiguous hate :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts by the way everybody c:
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  12. Aerakyl

    May 20, 2016
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    Come on guys we got thisss!!!

    Seriously though Antony has some great points there and I really do agree with everything. This server definitely needs some work, and if we actually came together to try and make a change to that then maybe we can do something. Arguing and hating each other as we have been in recent weeks really isn't going to help anything. Let's make Mega great again, together.
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  13. ItzAntony

    Retired Administrator

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Yes, I have to agree with you on this. Within the staff team, there is a huge lack of communication. It is very disorganized, but that is where the staff system I designed would come into play. Each rank would rely on each other. Thus causing everyone within the staff team to have to come together and work together.
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  14. hbl


    Apr 6, 2015
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    Actually, a staff member told me that console makes up the punishment times? Or something bullshit like that. I think she also said that if she even tried to say something against it that she would be demoted.
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  15. ItzAntony

    Retired Administrator

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Just saying, no one would get demoted for stating their opinion. I do it all the time, staff do it all the time.
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  16. ProbablySid_

    Retired Staff

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I'd rather this didn't just become only staff discussing on here but something I've had a problem with is the fact we've put restrictions on certain things. MegaCraft was unique and known for the little restrictions it had. I understand that they will probably be reversed some time but this has just been talk and hasn't happened. I know a lot of people agree with me here but stuff banned on plots such as minecarts and boats should come back. There could possibly be a limit to how much can be on each plot. The lack of communication comes here in the sense that me and other staff members have consistently asked for this back but to no avail. I'm not trying to directly point on anyone out; just going off the point about communication.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. ItzAntony

    Retired Administrator

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Yeah, other staff have said things, I have said things. There again is the communication aspect. Sometimes we speak about things, but nothing gets put forth and done. Maybe we should do more action with what we say. There already are restrictions on plots, we could bring minecarts back, I would personally just keep all of the other minecarts banned like TNT minecarts, command block minecarts, etc. as I have noticed there are a little too many blocks and items banned on the server.
  18. Polaris_Wolf

    Aug 9, 2016
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  19. hbl


    Apr 6, 2015
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    Going to chat in my reply? Classic.

    You were never specific as to who you were talking about. You didn't say "some". Yes; they do complain. However, did you even reply? I said that if you don't want them to complain, it's best if you help them. Not complain about them complaining.
  20. Polaris_Wolf

    Aug 9, 2016
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    Idk why you have to be so salty. I never specified, but that doesn't mean I mean all newbies. About the reply, I erased some of your reply to just get that one paragraph but it didn't go in correctly. People make mistakes, no need to be salt.
    My 2nd thing I hate about this server is people like you
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