WARNING: I MAY CONTAIN RANDOMNESS 'If you wanna be ma luvva!' Ok, moving on... This is where you can fill out an application form to be my friend <3 (naww :3) Make sure you lay it out neatly though (I cant stand un-neat people-.-) Here are the questions you need to answer: 1. What is your name? 2. What is your age? (you can say 'around 10-13' if you don't wanna say your exact age) 3. What is your gender (Very important) 4. What are your hobbies/interests? 5. What would you say your building skill from 1-10 would be? (Must tell the truth) 6. Do you know how to use world edit? 7. Why should I choose you? After you submit your form I will give you a rate from 1/10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest)
Welcome to Mega. What's the point of applying for friendship? I can only imagine when someone gets rejected.. "It says here you like MLP, I'm sorry, we have a no brony policy" XD
This is for fun, and I have nothing to do anyway so: 1. What is your name? JaredIsaiah 2. What is your age? 14 (you can say 'around 10-13' if you don't wanna say your exact age) 3. What is your gender? Male (Very important) 4. What are your hobbies/interests? Drawing, listening to music, playing video games 5. What would you say your building skill from 1-10 would be? 7 (Must tell the truth) 6. Do you know how to use world edit? Indeed, I do! 7. Why should I choose you? Because, I am Jared.
Just because of unknown reason i want to post my friend request here... 1. What is your name? FeuerPhoinx (short in Feuer , irl Saren) 2. What is your age? 16 (you can say 'around 10-13' if you don't wanna say your exact age) 3. What is your gender? Female of course (Very important) 4. What are your hobbies/interests? Being a badass around(?), build random things and invent redstone :3 5. What would you say your building skill from 1-10 would be? i would say "2" xx( (Must tell the truth) 6. Do you know how to use world edit? Indeed 7. Why should I choose you? BEcause iM ranDOM tOo hAHa
Here are the questions you need to answer: 1. What is your name? My name is Jeqqe 2. What is your age? Im 16 3. What is your gender Male 4. What are your hobbies/interests? GymGym and mc 5. What would you say your building skill from 1-10 would be? 1 6. Do you know how to use world edit? i know how to set dirt 7. Why should I choose you? I dont have friends on the server D;
Here are the questions you need to answer: 1. What is your name? My name is Severdhead, Although I like to be known as 'Sev' 2. What is your age? I am 14 3. What is your gender? Male 4. What are your hobbies/interests? Drawing and MC 5. What would you say your building skill from 1-10 would be? 11 6. Do you know how to use world edit? Hell Yeah 7. Why should I choose you? Bwecause ywou would bwee mwy bwest fwiend! Thank You!
1. What is your name BiduBR but you can always call me Bidu or Bid 2. What is your age 13 and 10/12 3.What is your gender? Male 4. What are your hobbies/intrests I love minecraft but i really do like football (it is football not soccer) and yes im from Brazil 5. What would you say is your building skill 1-10 be? I think i would be like 6.5 because their are amazing builders on mega and i cant build nearly as much as they can 6. Do you know world edit? Yes 7. Why should i choose you? because you seem like a nice person and i like to be friends with good ppl
Wow, I never expected people to actually do this after I did it, am I that famous? (Actually, no I'm not. :c)
Baaaaad pun Now friend application: 1. What is your name? Hannah 2. What is your age? 16 3. What is your gender? Female 4. What are your hobbies/interests? Anything food or music related 5. What would you say your building skill from 1-10 would be? Probably 8ish 6. Do you know how to use world edit? Of course 7. Why should I choose you? Because RAINBOWS