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Infinity On Bows

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by TheSkeepKK, May 15, 2015.


Should infinity on bows be removed?

  1. Yes!

    2 vote(s)
  2. No!

    8 vote(s)
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  1. sbemotional

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Some of us play kitpvp and, as you know, there's infinity on bows. When I began playing I did not have a problem with this, until I realized the amount of people that didn't use the main pvp weapon which is a sword. They would usually sit in some place where they can camp and as you try and reach them they'll hit about 4 bow shots on you and 2 hit you with a sword. In my opinion this removes the skill of pvp, you can use cheap tactics to defeat enemy players. Of course bows require skill but due to the making of a map it seems to me the kitpvp server is tailored to favor the people who are not that great with a sword and just want to use a bow.

    So here are the reasons why I want to get infinity removed on bows.
    • It removes the sword skill of pvp
    • It tailors unfairly to the people who prefer bows
    • It almost completely removes the sword in the game of pvp
    • It makes players who want a nice friendly kitpvp server with balanced weapons to disconnect due to the amazing power of a bow as they want to use a sword as well.
    • A lot of people I have talked to have said that bows will be removed if infinity is removed, my argument is swords may aswell be removed as the kitpvp is so bow heavy the swords seem invisible
    So join me, in the revolution of "Remove the infinity" and make megacraft kitpvp more amazing than it already is.
  2. RodneyWayne_

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Terrible idea.
  3. Feueristic

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Everyone has a sword and a bow (with infinity).
    You have both too, right?

    Also, "sword is da main weapon u use not bow", that statement is kinda wrong. I use both, theres nothing called "main" or "secondary"
    • Like Like x 2
  4. ironicmemexd

    Nov 18, 2014
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    Actually no. Campers are a vital part of PVP, they mix things up a bit. This post is biased against bows and you seem to want to get rid of infinity so you can just get rid of campers. Also people combine he use of the bow and the swords, and it is really useful to spam it a bit in close range when you are near death, and if you run out of arrows you are screwed. Also it is pretty nice you don't have to buy arrows since we have infinity, and if infinity was removed the only way to get arrows would be to die and respawn.


    Your "facts" are extremely biased, and I am sure most of the Megacraft community disagrees with you.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. SovietRussiaUSSR

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Rodney, You Are The Biggest Camper Ever, This Just Shows How Little You Know About Pvp, I Agree With Skeep, And I Think You Really Need To Start Pvping Like A Man
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. SovietRussiaUSSR

    Apr 1, 2015
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    You know, I think people might agree with your point if you actually knew how to write properly *sigh* I mean Jesus Christ what this server has come to
  7. SovietRussiaUSSR

    Apr 1, 2015
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    You guys need to grow up and pvp properly, because people that are good at pvp will just go to something like badlion instead because they actually know how to make good pvp rather than you infinity campers.
  8. sbemotional

    Apr 22, 2015
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    The comments I have seen I cannot disagree as they are simply opinions. But I will just make a comment on a few of the things put in this thread. Firstly I'd like to disagree with the thing appearing in these replies saying that I am "biased." If I was truly biased I would completely trash talk the bow, when I actually said the bow required skill, I did not even say campers were bad, I just implied that a lot of people campers if a bow has infinity. Also, this is a comment to FeuerPhoenix, first of all, I do not talk like a 2 year old child, second of all, if it were true that everyone has something then why don't you just join in, which is what you implied with the comment you put in the reply, then if someone hacked, couldn't they use the argument of "Everyone has a choice of hacking, so why don't we all hack and it will be fair." Isn't that true? And Karthik, I have been PvPing for 2 years, I've watched about 100 different PvP YouTubers and talked to the highest ranked PvPers in the world, they all either said: "Swords are the primary weapon in pvp, bows and fishing rods being secondary" or they said "In certain situation either item is a good pick." Both of them understandable, but what has clearly shone in this thread is that some MegaCrafters are extremely dependent on the use of a bow, proof of this is a quote from Karthik "If infinity was removed the only way to get arrows would be to die and respawn." If I got decent responses I would've met somewhere in the middle, suggesting things such as being able to buy more arrows with coins or buy infinity with more coins, I'm not a complete biased person, in my opinion bows are an important part of PvP, but they become the soul main part of PvP when you add an enchantment like Infinity on them, which turns in the favor of certain players then causing players to lose enjoyment because of the game being tailored towards people who prefer a bow.
    And insulting people is never a way to win a debate, people having a different opinion of yours does not make you idiotic, just remember I am not creating an argument but I am creating a civilized debate, so please keep it clean and do not resort to hatred and insulting words.
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  9. ironicmemexd

    Nov 18, 2014
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    How is it in favor of other players? Every player gets it so they get an equal chance. A majority of the community enjoys it and they will likely not want it to be removed. Buying an infinity bow with more coins gives a MAJOR disadvantage, and it is fine as it is.

    Also, I am well aware that sword is the primary weapon, who doesn't? But what does it matter? I am mainly dependent on the sword too, but when it comes to long distance I use my bow and finish it by closing in with melee. I also mentioned buying arrows would be unnecessary.

    You say you are not biased, yet you come up some incredibly ridiculous reasons why it is removed.

    -"It makes players who want a nice friendly kitpvp server with balanced weapons to disconnect due to the amazing power of a bow as they want to use a sword as well."
    That doesn't prove a thing. Plenty of people play kitpvp, I've seen none complain about the "amazing power of the bow". Why would they disconnect if they have that "power" themselves?
    -"It removes the sword skill of pvp"
    Where is the proof of that?
    -"It tailors unfairly to the people who prefer bows"
    How? Like I said before EVERYONE has it, so it isn't unfair.
    -A lot of people I have talked to have said that bows will be removed if infinity is removed, my argument is swords may aswell be removed as the kitpvp is so bow heavy the swords seem invisible"
    No it is not. Most of the pvp I see on Megacraft consists of 65% Sword usage and 35% bow usage, since swords are usually the main.

    So, no, infinity bows will probably not be removed as it is already good as it is :)
    You clearly haven't PVP'd Rodney CapTain CapItAl. How does that show anything? And how does camping prevent you from becoming a man? Please keep your extremely biased and unsupported opinions to yourself :)
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. RodneyWayne_

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Camping got me to level 81 and over 6.5k kills? Yeeeaaaah. Camping.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. mandorrhea

    Feb 21, 2015
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    So you're just supporting stereotypes saying that every guy needs to be tough? By only using their sword and doing melee fighting because camping is being a scared and not a man? Sexist much?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Feueristic

    Jul 29, 2014
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    This post just became too much.
    You know what? Finish it @The_Kadrek
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Ellielza

    Nov 23, 2014
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    This entire thread is pointless...
    You can pvp with a sword and bow
    It's only Minecraft stop making it sound like life and death.
    It makes pvp more balanced because people like using a bow. So what if people camp? Either avoid campers until they realise they're getting no points or go and kill them. It's not that hard.
    You and eric rage way too much in pvp, people liek to use bows just get over it and continue to play pvp. Removing bows would be more unfair, you could just learn how to use one.
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. lzongolo

    Aug 7, 2014
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    I don't think this should be added, you can pvp with both a sword and a bow and should learn how to do so for both of them. Remember you also have an infinity bow so you can just fight the campers with it. This is getting off-topic, I'll lock the thread.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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