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MegaCraft' KitPVP Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by mc2scared, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. therealjojo

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Hello! I have some suggestions for the MegaCraft KitPVP serer.
    1.Dying and killing
    Some people are really mad about this sistem.You kill someone you get a small amount of points.If you die you lose like a 100 points.
    2.Coins for killing
    If you kill a person you will get coins.At the moment the only way to get coins is to kill targets.So I think that should be changed.Like if you kill a person you get like 5% or less/more of their coins(balance).
    The abilty to set bounties will require suggestion number 2.
    The players can do for example: /set bounty (player) (coin amount).Then after the bounty is set a notification will pop up in the chat box.The player who kills the bounty gets the money.If the bounty jumps off a house and dies(suicide) the bounty will NOT go away.If the player leaves the game the bounty will still stay on him.
    This is a good idea for all of you campers out there.The mugger for example can be a zombie that can only be seen by the player that us getting mugged.Here is an example for a command:/call mugger (player/victim) (how many coins to you want mugged).Now ofcourse that the coins amount will have a border.Example it can go to like 40 coins.So people cant lose all of their coins.
    5.TOT(Teams Of Two)
    Teams of Two will in my opinion change KitPVP into a LST(Kinda is an LTS).For example im going to use my good friend Ctrl_Alt_KaiNik as my test dummy.If i want to add Ctrl into my TOT i first need to create a team by doing:/create tot.
    After creating it i can now add and remove players.Example:
    /add Ctrl_Alt_KaiNik tot
    And remove him
    /remove Ctrl_Alt_KaiNik tot
    6.Multiple lobbies
    At the moment we only have one lobby.It would be cool if Blue and Kadrel make a thread where people can apply for helping build the lobbies(or the Dyatrian build team can do it instead).Ctrl_Alt_KaiNik already asked if he can help design/test and maybe help build other lobbies.So Blue should check him profile and messages.
    7.More kits
    Boring full iron,iron sword and bow kit...We need more kits! Again Ctrl asked to test or pick the kits.Leave your custom kits in the replys.
    Thank you for reading this big ass thread about KitPVP suggestions.Have a good day!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. RodneyWayne_

    Jul 28, 2014
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    I like the idea of muggers. But the thing is, everyone dies in kitpvp so quickly, (unless you're a pvp beast) so I don't think people would use bounties often. I would love for there to be clans/guilds. For example: /guild create <name> or /clan create <name>. And you can only have up to 3 players in each guild/clan to keep it fair. I don't really know about more kits because I think the point of kitpvp was for everyone to have the same things so that it would be fair.
  3. therealjojo

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Pvp experts would fo for a decent armor set and a good weapon,while other people mostly go for example diamond armor with a stone axe
  4. Dabomberownz

    Retired Staff

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Balancing kits is too hard. Rarely actually works and takes away from the fairness.
  5. Aipa

    Jan 7, 2015
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    I've played kitpvp a bit and new kits probably wouldn't be the best. However I love your idea for the bounty system. People like The_Kadrek would never be alive again ha.