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Multiple Homes

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by hbl, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. hbl


    Apr 6, 2015
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    Here's a suggestion that I think would help a lot. Multiple homes. What I mean by this is, you know how we have /sethome? Well we should get /sethome:2 until /sethome:5 or we can do /sethome:name <- with only a maximum of 5 homes. I think we need this because some of us wanna help on someones plot, but they are not on and you want to go somewhere else, (like a skin comp) and once you're done, you can do /home once you've done /sethome at that place. But what if the same thing happens for 2???? So we can do, (say it was Advancebot's plot) /sethome Advancebot and then do /home:Advancebot. But with a maximum of 5. This is just a suggestion so please take it as one and do not make this thread Locked Out Of Topic. Thanks for reading! There is another suggestion, shouldn't there be atleast 1+ command for a creative rank? For instance I am novice, (which in my opinion shouldn't get a new command) and I rank up to builder, I should get a new w/e command, for example, (I don't know any other w/e commands so... put one right here?)
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1