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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jeqqee, Sep 6, 2016.


Would you like to see more polls involved when staff makes new decisions?

  1. Yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. Jeqqe_

    Retired Staff

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Hey guys and girls of the MegaCraft Community,

    This is my 501st message on the forums and I wanted to make it somewhat different and special. In this thread I want to ask from all of you, what things pisses you off about MegaCraft? What problems do you think MegaCraft has? What should be changed? Basically just comment the thing that you think needs some work/improvement and you can post your own idea how to solve it or then just leave it to me and I'll try to come up with a solution.

    I honestly don't know why the staff haven't made anything like this yet, this would most likely be the easiest way to get inside the players' minds and know what they're thinking without even hopping on to the server. Also I know there is a "suggestions" section on the forums (Duhh I'm making this thread on it) but some people just can't be bothered to make full thread about the problem and would just want to point out that something in the system annoys them. Leading to the first problem that annoys me, so lets start.

    Problem: Communication between staff and players

    So the problem I'm having with this is simply that I feel like the players' are not heard enough. The suggestions section is pretty much only way for a player to express their ideas and opinions. Even if a player did post something on the suggestions section of the forums, it still is unlikely to happen that staff member actually comments on it. (Let me just point out that on the first page of the suggestions section, there is only only 5 posts out of 19 that has a staff member replied to it.)


    The solution for this is simple. Start paying attention to what people say and show them that you actually read their suggestion. Not just read it and be like "Oh well, yet another suggestion. Damn these people are really into this section of the forums" (Fun fact: Suggestions section on the forums has 2nd highest amount of threads created on the whole website.) Take note on what the people suggest, if you see something being suggested multiple times, maybe that's a sign that you could possibly consider talking about it in for example "Staff meetings". If most of you on the staff meeting agree that its a good idea, do not make that mistake and just add it to the server right away. Polls are way too under rated on this server, they're are easy to setup and easy to use by the players. Perfect way to confirm that the community would actually enjoy the feature that few players suggested.
    Problem: The staff system & rules

    Oh man, this is one of the most talked problem on the forums at the moment. Apparently they're/they were working on something to update the current rules/punishment system but I honestly have no idea what is going on right now, did they finish it already? Still working on it? Cancelled the whole process? I will not talk more about this topic right now since I do not know if the system is still under development. (Lack of communication?)

    Thing though that I will talk about is about the rules and the staff but in different perspective. There has been different kind of rules on the server and while ago they changed the system to --> More punishments you get, the longer punishment you get. And now they might be working on a new system. However, these rules and systems were always for the players. Where are the rules for the staff members? I've seen so many staff members get away with things that would have gotten normal player punished. Even if the player reports the staff member who broke the rules, in most cases they will get a "warning" of some sort. However, again, the definition of "Warning" depends if you're staff member or just a regular player. Where a player gets 1 warning before punishment, staff member can collect dozens of warnings before they're getting punished. This in my opinion just isn't fair. All the players should treated equally. Staff members are players too as @NoHacksJustSid says on this quote he posted yesterday on my other thread:

    "I get what you mean about staff only being on creative, but we are still players so we do play on the server as well."


    For the solution, you need to come up with a list of rules that the staff members also will have to respect and follow. After all, in my opinion the rules for staff members should be even more strict than for regular players, since they're supposed to act properly and make sure that players follow the rules. This however wont happen if they see staff member break a rule, of course they will think "Oh the staff member did that, I guess that's alright to do then.." and then next moment when they do the exact same thing as the staff member did before, they get punished.

    As a staff member you will have to put your feelings aside and do the thing that you see the best for the company/community. (In this case MegaCraft Network) Sometimes you might have to report your friend/colleague and I know that might feel bad but that's after all the right thing to do. For the administrators of Mega, create a similar list like players have about the punishments and keep count on the punishments your staff members do. Once it passes a certain amount of warnings, have a talk with the person and possibly either give them one very last chance or simply kick them out.

    Problem: Staff recruiting

    We all know that it is easy to be a staff member but extremely hard to be a good staff member. This also leading to the fact that it is very hard to find those people who actually manage to do well at being a "good staff member". The staff team made a change to the staff picking system while ago, where they changed the Helper rank to be a real rank instead of being a "trial" rank. Meaning that now once again it is harder to see who would actually do well at the job. Honestly I think a trial rank would make much more sense to have than basically replacing old mod rank with helper rank.


    Keep the current names for the ranks, Having admin as highest staff rank after Owner instead of SuperAdmin sounds better and more professional. However, I think there should be some kind of Trial rank to highlight those potential players that might become staff member sometime soon. It could be something like we had on MegaCraft 1.0 where the person would only get a different colored name with a prefix "[Trusted]". Of course you could change the name or keep it as the same that's not the point. The point is to highlight few players for certain amount of time and get the staff team to watch how they act on the server and in general. Then after the trial period staff would talk about the potential new Helpers.


    This is all I wanted to say for now. If you have any problems that bothers you, feel free to post them on the comments. Also I know for a fact, the more support suggestion gets, more likely it will get seen by the staff, so if you agree with something I say, either leave a rating or comment what you agreed with and what you didn't agree with. I'll be editing this thread while new problems comes out and mark the fixed problems as "(SOLVED/FIXED)". Let's help Mega become better together. Until the next time, Have a great day guys.

    Best regards,
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  2. Senpai_Artic

    Retired Staff

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Being on the staff team and recently just quitting I have seen there is a lack of communication between players and staff. I think if staff shared the ideas with the players and discussed it; including the community and discussing new things then we can get things done easier and I believe less arguments will be cause. I also feel like staff don't let the community know when something is finished or improved and just leave them to think it is still in progress leading onto the topic of lack of communication like @Jeqqee stated above in this thread. I do agree with everything on this post and I want to quickly post something about being a good staff member. Being a staff member isn't always about just doing your job but to interact with the community and let them open up to you and share their views on things and just understanding them. Truthfully I believe that's the most important thing a staff needs to have. Anyway I feel like I am going of topic. NOTE: I have nothing against the current staff members I just want to share my views about what can be important and what needs to maybe be approved! No hatez plz. :p


    P.S. COOOKKIEEEEE for reader!!! *gives a chocolate chip chocolate cookie to reader* :D
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. JackCosens

    Owner Retired Administrator

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Could you please explain to me what the point of this thread is? It is just encouraging users to reply and report the same things we have been told for the past 6 months...

    Hear me out. Please do not just disagree or down rate this post until you have read the entire thing and all my points. These are personal views only. Everything here may not be 100% true and if I hear differently I will edit the post to make those changes accordingly. Thanks

    I can somewhat agree here. Communication between staff members has been lacking recently and certain staff members have no clue on the updates or what is going on within our system. This also includes players views. Staff could listen to players view a little more too, but 90% of all the threads and messages we get are just more and more people rioting to us to bring back survival... 'Hey Jack shouldnt you listen to the players and give them what they want?' This is a valid point but mega has advanced a long way from when survival was popular. If we created a survival server it wouldn't get used just like half of the other requests we get via the forums and PM's.

    Listening to players can easily get mixed in with people that think if they riot against a user/staff member an action will be taken on them. This needs to stop... People complain to us that we don't listen when we are getting spammed with straw polls like 'SIGN TO GET ROBO JACK DEMOTED'. Good ideas and input to the server is taken seriously and put into meetings with all of our staff members for consideration.

    Please Read Part 2
  4. JackCosens

    Owner Retired Administrator

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Part 2

    We have recently been working on a new punishment system to help staff and players out. This system essentially takes most of the memory work out of our jobs. The system will count warnings and automatically takes a user to the next stage in the punishment system. I know that I have personally a long with a lot of the other staff been enjoying this new system as this allows us as staff members to play the actual game more instead of having to worry about remembering warnings/times.

    I have been speaking to @BlueFusion12 about this system recently giving him new points and additions to add to this system. It is still in early beta and a update is due to come out later this week! We will be doing a pinned thread soon with our new and updated set of rules. Staff will enforce these strictly and users that do not comply will be punished. We know some users will not agree to some/most of our new system updates but unfortunately your going to have to get used to it. It works perfectly fine for our new and younger audience with minimal issues.

    When a staff member agrees to become staff we are given multiple privatized documents that we have to read through and agree to. These tell us what we can and can not do under a strict roof. Staff follow rules the same as players and yes sometimes staff members make mistakes and say things they are not meant to say we are all human right? We all make mistakes. I personally think that if a staff member makes a mistake they should be given another chance but if issues keep continuing to pop up with that member action should be taken. That is the system we have been using for a long time and I doubt we will be saying good bye to it any time soon.

    Warnings are currently broken. Like you have said there is no way to define if a user has been warned before and if they should be punished. Our new punishment system will include a way to see if users have been warned before and what punishment they are now onto. I will not include much on this subject as I am sure BlueFusion will publish a document explaining it all over the next few days.

    Latest Update:

    Right now I see no issues with our staff recruiting system except the amount of people being recruited. A lot of our older staff team are starting to leave due to school or drama that has happened to them over the years of being in Mega. We are currently looking for new staff members that are mature and helpful in chat to join the team.

    Bringing back the Trusted rank will do more bad than good. Trusted was a trial based rank where a user could be ranked up to moderator after a certain period of time. This was good for a while until the system became corrupt. New members would become to pressured to be on all the time and feel rushed in their position. I personally feel that it is best keeping the Helper rank and system we currently have. This allows high end staff and staff managers @ItzAntony to watch over new recruits and promote them when they feel they are ready to be promoted.

    As you all may know I am only the Helper rank and there is a limit to the information and updates I can give you on these topics. All of this may not be 100% true and If I hear differently I will edit the reply to make changes.
  5. Zengakukatsu

    Jul 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    XD This is not what he was talking about btw. In 1.0 there was a rank called trusted, which you might have never, or briefly heard about, which worked entirely different than the more recent one.

    Basically in 1.0, we had three non-staff ranks, Regular, Advanced, and Trusted. How it worked is if you played for a certain amount of time (Which if I remember correctly some of these ranks required more time than staff does currently XD) and you built something of decent size (we didn't focus on looks as much as creative did.) then you would advance to regular, and eventually to advanced.

    The part Jeqqe is refering to is [Trusted] which was not a staff rank, the had no perms, nothing too much really. However, in order to get it you had to (Or were supposed to at least) be a productive member of the server, who interacted with others in constructive and positive ways, and added to the server as a whole. This rank, was basically the servers most elite group, who we decided on for staff. It was no trial or anything, at that point most of them had already earned the servers respect in some form, and it would not get taken away except for severe reasons. Trusted was basically something that some higher up staff members could give to put them on a pedestal. Once trusted, all staff usually kept a close eye on these players for staff like qualities. Every once and a while, when the planets aligned, not at specified times like meetings, an owner would promote one to Mod, and they joined the staff team.

    Basically due to the trusted rank, Staff in 1.0 was significantly harder to get, but it was also significantly harder to lose. We had some rules, but for the most part Staff just gave whatever punishment they saw fit. After all trusted allowed us to ensure they would have at least reasonable judgement. And yes, not all staff agreed all the times, and some of them hated each other and stuff, but the funny part is the lack of cohesion in the staff, made staff less separate as a group form the rest of the server.

    Just another point to further emphasize the usefulness of the Trusted rank:
    You know all of the ex staff who were causing issues in the beginning of skyblock?
    Look at the ones who got staff from [Trusted].
    -Zengakukatsu (Me!)
    Are we the ones causing issues in chat? No.


    Also really, Jeqqe is just making some suggestions, at least try to maybe consider some of them a little bit. Because his last post, the rant or whatever, you just laughed the things off as being unnecessary, yet literally every actual player agreed with him.

    I agree with ALL of the suggestions that Jeqqe has made, and others do as well.

  6. Jeqqe_

    Retired Staff

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Look at the name of this forum section.

    There is still the 10% and honestly I haven't heard anyone say anything about bringing 1.0 back in ages.

    Literally what I just suggested on the thread, nice to know you're already doing it.

    Didn't I just say that in the thread? If the warnings/mistakes keep stacking up, action should be taken.

    When did I say that? I'm pretty sure you can see warnings from the bans section of the website.

    Exactly... there is an issue then.

    You have the wrong trusted rank brother, I meant the older version of "Trusted" rank, which was there on MegaCraft 1.0 as I said on the thread.

    Okay Jack, I appreciate that you took some time typing all of this and everything. But next time read the thread properly first.
  7. Zengakukatsu

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Don't worry jeqqe I got the Trusted explaination down XD.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. ProbablySid_

    Retired Staff

    Aug 22, 2014
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    You are exactly right and voicing your problems with the server like this is fine. I agree with almost every point you've made, except the trusted rank. For now, as the server is getting a lot bigger than it used to, we need to get more staff members. When we have a good ratio between staff and players, maybe we could go back to the 30 day trusted helper system which we had a few months back, though I can't say this for sure.
  9. TakeMeToRussia

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Issue: lack of proper progression; skyblock becomes cookie clicker with some variety (like 6 different kinds of cookies).

    Solution: so many things, make quests, community boss fights, creative build competitions, pvp competitive ladder, etc
  10. Zengakukatsu

    Jul 29, 2014
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    -_- Different trusted rank, please read fully...
  11. ProbablySid_

    Retired Staff

    Aug 22, 2014
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    From what I understood, the principle between the ranks were the same, that rank was used as a judging pedestal to see if they would fit as staff.
  12. Zengakukatsu

    Jul 29, 2014
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    That's reasonable to assume. It is very different its just hard to explain.
  13. JackCosens

    Owner Retired Administrator

    Nov 7, 2014
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    With the amount of players mega has it is not practical for staff nor Blue, It is more simple to hire them as helpers so they can actually help?
  14. Jeqqe_

    Retired Staff

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Just saying this might be the faster solution but not the most safe one. Yes you might get the people to start helping immediantly with mod-like permissions but you might also choose people who just punish without knowing what actually happened or just cause they can, and don't care to fix it.