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Sky Essence for fifty dollars each!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DevilStuff, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. zLynn

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Hello! So, I'm pretty sure you came here to figure out how on Earth I am deciding to sell Sky Essence for this cheap. Now, before the comments flood with, "Devil! Are you crazy?" and "Devil! We need to have you psycho-analyzed for any brain injuries!", let me say that this is possible, and this hopefully will happen.

    -How will this work?-
    This is actually fairly simple. I'm going to get an alt to sit there and mine all day long, buying stacks of pickaxes from the shop now and then (which can be automated via Java or something. If someone else wants to make the program for me because I'm really lazy, be my guest). All the alt needs is a ton of money. Every now and then, someone must pay the alt some cash, or else it will stop working after a couple days. Basically, the system is based solely on donations. The more money the alt has, the longer it mines, and the more dirt-cheap sky essence you can buy from the shop. Of course, the alt will be paying me 1000 bucks every 30 pickaxes or something, but hey, I have to earn money somehow!

    -How to help make this possible-
    Ok. Here's what I need help with. You guys will get the proper payment where its due.

    1) Probably the most important thing: An Alt. Or if you are willing to use your main account, be my guest.
    Payment: 20% cash earned from said alt

    2) The code for the alt
    Payment: 5% cash earned from said alt

    3) A computer that will run this program 24/7
    Payment: 10% cash earned from said alt

    If you help me with everything listed above, you can earn up to 35% cash!

    Note: These percentages do not include cash earned via the shop.

    -Won't this screw over the economy?-
    I think so. I put this thread up for the specific purpose of seeing what you guys think. Will this screw over the economy? Or, do you have tweaks to this idea so it doesn't screw over the economy. I'm going to tag the staff here to make sure I get the green light before selling sky essence like this.


    If you want dirt-cheap sky essence to become a thing, I encourage you to help me in every way you can. The prices (50 bucks per sky essence) will probably change. This is just a concept, but I hope we can get this idea rolling!
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
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  2. lifekiller43

    Retired Staff

    Aug 3, 2015
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    K big snacks
  3. therealjojo

    Aug 20, 2014
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    devil gunna be haxing ban pls

  4. Ryerye1243

    Ryerye1243 Guest

    Devil keep all of it for us so we can have a sexy island and uncommon keys and takkkkeee overrrr rather worrrrkkllldddd
  5. Ryerye1243

    Ryerye1243 Guest

    Devil go to for free mc alts
  6. TakeMeToRussia

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Soooo can I place in an order for like 5000 sky essence now and pay the 250k when you got em?
  7. BlueFusion12

    Retired Administrator

    May 27, 2014
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    1. Auto clickers/macros aren't allowed. Those would be classified as unfair modifications that give you an advantage. The most you can do is put a paperweight on your mouse and have it click like that.
    2. There has been a limit on the amount of sky essence you can mine daily since day 1 of skyblock. I'll let you figure out what it is, but I doubt you'll be selling them for $50 :)
    • Like Like x 1
  8. zLynn

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Ah. Ok.
    Thanks for clarifying ;)

    Now I have a new goal. Figure out what the sky essence limit is!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. lifekiller43

    Retired Staff

    Aug 3, 2015
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    The amount of times you touch yourself in the bed,

    Okay idk but I think it's like 20 or 30
  10. zLynn

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Nah, I think I've collected more than that per day.
    Tbh, it's probably 420 or something like that.
  11. TakeMeToRussia

    Aug 5, 2016
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    @BlueFusion12 could the daily limit possibly be 64? I usually got 30-40 at night and then 20 or so more during school. Problem is I lost all my sky essence in clear lag and frog says I can't appeal even with an old screenshot