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Spamming Problems...

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Axio_, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Feueristic

    Jul 29, 2014
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    This problem is here for a long time and They are officially annoying.
    (I don't know if this should be at "suggestions" tho)
    1. Roleplays.
    I'm not mean but you know what? screw you rps. admitted by most people , rps are annoying as hell. You might not want to see chat is spammed with "Saren : im hurt help meh" There's solution , group chat. i don't know if its compatible with megacraft but here it is.
    2. Head shops
    Why you need a head shop when you can do /skull? Why you need people to help you when you can find most of the skin in here? I really don't understand this...
    3. Skin comps (Build comps are not included because they are quite "rare")
    Comps are pretty annoying because they can "last longer" as they usually need 4+ players to come. Leave your suggestions below if you know what can stop this.
    4. "Im here to get novice"
    Can we just start deleting post already?

    Leave all your comments , suggestions and opinion below to let staffs hear.
    Only one person can't solve this.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. kailanchauhan

    Jul 26, 2014
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    I do agree but I think the head shops are ok because I don't find many people doing them.
  3. Pornographics

    Dec 25, 2014
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    On the RP thing, while it's annoying to some, it's how other people play minecraft. If it really bothers you that much, you can easily /chat ignore those who are doing it. RP doesn't happen 24/7 and fill up the chat to the point that it's unreadable, so I don't see the pressing issue here. People talk about irrelevant stuff in chat all the time, should we also ban any and all discussion of school and home?

    In regards to group chat, the problem is moderating it. Staff already work between monitoring 4 servers at a time, adding a separate chat would cause a hassle. How many people would use it? How many people would use it for roleplay?

    Headshops seem irrelevant and annoying, but it's how some people like to play. It's their own way of interacting and making friends.

    The chat is a public space for all players on the server to enjoy.

    The server also implemented new rules about advertising skin/build competitions to cut down on the spamming. You can only advertise once per minute, and you can only advertise your own competition.
    • Like Like x 1
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  4. kailanchauhan

    Jul 26, 2014
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    I think the main think that should be said and confirmed here is that there should be a limit on how many times a player can repeat same/similar messages per minute or ten/twenty/thirty minute period.
    Have a good day, Ctrl_ :D :) :cool:
  5. kailanchauhan

    Jul 26, 2014
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    And yes I did see the post by @dooff_ about the rules, however I don't think that the server plugins or whatever actually limits this. The problem is spamming and I acknowledge that people want to invite players to their skin competition or anything that they have, but they should also keep in mind how many times they advertise their things because this can bother others.
  6. Feueristic

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Elsafy is the only server have spam protect tho is annoying...
    "You need to wait before you send your next message!"
    "Do not repeat the same message!"
    Should we add this to the spawn information thingy? because not a lot people know this new rule...
  7. kailanchauhan

    Jul 26, 2014
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    I think all the rules should be updated on the spawn and there should be a less limited spam protect on other servers.