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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by The_Kadrek, Apr 21, 2016.

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  1. The_Kadrek

    Retired Administrator

    May 28, 2014
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    Swearing has always been a problem (lol kind of) on Mega, or at least in the eyes of BlueFusion12. I think that the current censor plugin is absolute garbage. First of all, if you swear, your entire message doesn't go through. The first point I'd like to bring up in why I think this should be changed, is imagine if a new player gets on and says something like, "it was a bitch to find" or "pain in the ass". Both, in my opinion, completely harmless examples of swearing, which in all honesty, is 90% of what I saw in chat for the 3 years I played on this server. The other 10% where someone says some of the no tolerance words (racial stuff and the f word lol). In which case, why not just censor the words that are actually a problem???? Why censor every single word?
    Secondly, I don't think its a good idea to just baby every single person who comes on mega. I mean, if you start doing that, it will be expected from here on out. You know all those people who ask staff for just the stupidest thing? This kind of stuff encourages that. Like if we shield every player from reality, (that sounds harsh but we're actually just talking about words that my professors in college say in front of hundreds of kids EVERY DAY LOL) then we are going to have to shield them from everything! Oh no, someone called me an idiot, better ring up the staff and get this guy banned! Its this kind of mentality that promotes players to cause more problems by trying to "solve" them.
    Thirdly, this censoring system is creating more problems than it did before. Now, the staff have to constantly look out and see if anyone is getting past the censor, and another rule that can get people in trouble, that wasn't even a problem to begin with.

    Look, I am in no way saying that swearing is and never will be an issue. I understand that sometimes people swear excessively or hostilely to someone else. And in those cases, there should be consequences. But the fact that I can get banned for saying the word "ass".. like wtf are we in 2nd grade here? If you're old enough to enter the world of the internet individually and without parent supervision at all times, you're old enough to see some bad words in chat.

    Bluefusion, I know you have some sort of taboo with swearing and it freaks you out or whatever, but this is kind of ridiculous. Also thanks for the 420 text, real funny. It really shows how close minded you are to constantly be judging and poking fun at me for something that's such a small part of my life. I get that you want to put YOUR beliefs and morals above everyone else's, but its honestly just a dick move.

    take this suggestion or not, i don't really care. But I know a large portion of this community would agree with this. (I literally got on, asked who liked the swearing plugin and the only person who defended it was Syd)

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  2. The_Kadrek

    Retired Administrator

    May 28, 2014
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    I just wanted to address this thread because It's saying some of the same things and had a response. I think that having a no swearing rule does not promote a more mature chat. Blue, let's look at the one of the oldest and most mature staff members we have ever had on Mega. Dooff. I think both of us would agree that Dooff would think this rule is absolute garbage. just to prove a point. I get that this is just one example, but I don't think it is fair at all to say that more mature people don't swear.. Are you saying that 74% of Americans are just flat out immature because they choose to swear? Let me give you some more links to help you get a better idea of my side.. (a literal science channel)

    I could continue, but you can do the same thing I'm doing. I also looked up why swearing is bad just to recognize the other side, and all I got was shit like this LOL LIKE WHAT?? This was the first or second result keep in mind.

    I think that banning swearing all together is not a way to solve this problem at all. You used to say that all of this was for the players and the people. You aren't listening to your players...
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. JackCosens

    Owner Retired Administrator

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Can I make a point that a large amount of our server audience is below 15 years old. This younger audience is not willing nor needs to see unprofessional language that used to be in the chat. Mega has developed a lot from when I first joined and at the start I admit I thought the no swear rule was stupid but after time I have saw that with less swearing in chat It has made the server look a lot more clean and welcoming. If we continued to keep the server chat how it is, it would only make people leave; People constantly using vulgar language. Most of the biggest servers use heavy chat filters especially servers known as HiveMC and Hypixel these servers have been known to permanently mute players that swear and use acronyms.

    The swear filter is helping staff out more than making them work more. Staff had to warn kick and mute players that constantly swear in chat but now staff members only have to look for those couple of people that try to avoid the chat filter meaning that staff members can but more time into helping players playing experience and not the chat.

    You do hold some valid points in your text and I do agree to some of them but plenty of other threads have been covering this issue and yours isn't going to make much difference. I would also like to point out the immaturity in this thread, You are clearly trying to target BlueFusion.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. The_Kadrek

    Retired Administrator

    May 28, 2014
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    Where exactly did you get this info? And look, I am not saying that swearing should have no limitations or anything like that. I'm talking about banning swearing completely. I think that completely putting a ban on all swearing is pointless. I agree that SOMETHING should be put in place to prevent people from attacking people or swearing excessively stuff like that, but just ridding of it completely is just as immature.

    And I read the other threads, and none of them said exactly what I wanted to say. Are you trying to criticize me for stating my opinion? I honestly don't care if someone else said they didn't like the plugin, I am giving my opinion and my reasons.

    And yes, I was absolutely targeting BlueFusion. He is the owner, and I thought he was my friend up until recently. I "knew" BlueFusion in real life, so its not something you'd understand at the moment.. If you want to call ME immature for what I said in this thread, I should show you the way BlueFusion handled my demotion, just for one example..
    • Winner Winner x 2
  5. JackCosens

    Owner Retired Administrator

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Okay. I dont have any proof of this amount but I was making a assumption at the time of writing the thread.

    Okay, You have had a bad past with Blue but there are some things you need to let go and get over. Doing this, targeting staff members and owners is only going to get you banned from the server and forums.

    Blue wouldn't of demoted you for no reason. You just need to get over that you were demoted and move on. Your just here to start some drama off again.
  6. The_Kadrek

    Retired Administrator

    May 28, 2014
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    Umm ok..? How would you know anything about my past with Blue? As a matter of fact we were really good friends. Its not like something bad happened between us..
    I never said he demoted me for no reason.. I actually stepped down if you remember, so I don't really care about not being staff. I don't even play minecraft anymore so I am not sure why you are saying this... lol. And I'm not here to start drama. I only said about 2 sentences about blue, and the rest of it was about stuff relating to the server. If anything YOU'RE trying to create drama by spear heading one sentence of my entire post in to some issue.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. BlueFusion12

    Retired Administrator

    May 27, 2014
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    Okay, so it seems your argument can be broken down into two parts:
    1) Legitimate questioning of the no-swear rule
    2) Extreme ad-hominem attacks against me personally.

    As for your concerns about swearing.
    We've always allowed swearing in the past because it really wasn't necessary to block. As you've pointed out, swearing is NOT BAD in "real life." I agree with this now and have even begun to "casually swear" more in general conversation. It's a social norm and I've accepted that. However, MegaCraft is NOT real life. You comment that by restricting swearing, we are "babying every single person who comes on mega" and "shielding every player from reality" but its more about building a stronger and friendlier community. People should NOT come on to a video game and expect to experience real life. Players want to escape from real life and enjoy some friendly building and community. By preventing swearing, we are taking a step towards ensuring this is possible.

    My goal for Mega is to provide a place where people can play Minecraft together in a fun and enjoyable community. Recently, we have lost a lot of that community feel we used to have in 1.0. I know you've seen this and I know it as well. I began noticing that people were becoming excessively vulgar in chat, especially towards other players. We started out a few months prior enforcing a rule that would stop "excessive swearing and attacks on other players," but then it just became a problem of where to draw the line. This idea manifested into more arguments among staff and people like Mattman getting away with continued vulgarity and assaults on players in chat.
    Banning swearing all together prevents this type of problem completely. Yeah, there can never be a "black and white" and there will always be some sort of debate on what is swearing and what isn't, but this new rule represents what I believe MegaCraft stands for.

    My work on MegaCraft still remains "for the players." Attacking this part of my ideology hurts me dearly. I've continue to sacrifice a lot of my own personal time to ensure Mega is the best it can be. I spend over 25+ hours each week working on new plugins, managing staff, and engaging with the community. The reason I continue to "ignore" those who disagree with the no-swear rule isn't because I don't value their opinion, it's because I have the best interest of the larger majority of Mega at heart. I know fair well the majority of our community is young. That is just how Minecraft is. Especially with the work I'm doing on the new custom minigames network, all we will be doing is attracting more of the younger population. You say we shouldn't shield kids from the harshness of life, but YES, we SHOULD. It's not our place to "educate" kids on the ways of the world. That's their parents job. It IS our job to provide a fun and fair place for them to play. Therefore, if allowing swearing inhibits that job, it is necessary to remove it.

    Now to address the real problem.
    I don't really appreciate your open attacks on me in this public of a manner. You're angry about my actions in the recent months, and that's totally understandable. However it's hard for me to explain to you in public what I've been going through the last few months (hint, it's not all about a block game). I've seen Mega on the brink of destruction multiple times recently and it really destroys me. Watching the project that I've literally made part of my personal identity fall apart before your eyes over and over is not something that can ever be taken lightly. I used to have your support in all this, and when things went to crap you were always there to discuss with me how we would snap back. Now that you've left, it's harder on me, especially when it comes to managing time between Mega, my double major, and dealing with personal family issues
    As for my 4/20 joke, you have to be kidding me? You've always been someone not to get butthurt over things, so I find it really disturbing that you managed to turn what I thought was a funny joke into something that you received as an attack. When it comes down to it, I'm not judging you in any way, I'm trying to be there for you as a friend. I don't agree with a lot of things you did over the last year, but I don't hate you for it. Your my friend, and I was worried about you. You've changed a lot over the last year and it becomes harder and harder for me to relate to you on a common ground, but that doesn't stop me from trying. You may not know this about me, but I always try to avoid making snide remarks or talking crap about people. I don't like to gossip because I grew up for most of my life being the one "gossiped" about or bullied. So to try and frame me as a close-minded judgmental person is just plain wrong and a bad reading of my character.
    As for how I handled your demotion, I already explained this to you. You basically quit the team late last year and then all of a sudden wanted to come back. I was totally cool with that. In all honestly, I really wanted to have you back on as co-owner, but I had to deal with a staff team that wanted more and more structure. They were mad at you for leaving as well and definitely wouldn't have taken kindly to me promoting you back all of a sudden when they all stuck through the crap and the drama and you bailed. So, I hung back and hoped that you would work your way back up. However, it didn't really go that way. I got a huge influx of complaints about you and Collin and your behavior in chat and to other players. My staff team continued to look at me like I was giving special treatment to my friends. Thus, when everything fell apart near the end of March I had a choice. Demote you and a few others to save the entire server. You hadn't logged in for over a week (I know you were on spring break, it's okay!) so I figured you had just decided to move on. Yes, I know I handled this situation poorly and I've admitted that to you, but in the position and pressure I was in to make meaningful change, I couldn't hesitate to try and properly handle the situation.

    In the end though, I wish things had gone differently. Both you and I have poured far too much of our life into making Mega great and having it end like this is somewhat sad. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me for what I've done, but if not I'm okay with moving on. You were one of the first friends I made in high school and I want you to know that I don't discard friendship lightly. Maybe I'll see you over the summer. Maybe not. Whatever happens though I wish you the best and hope you don't dismiss me as a judgmental dick like you portrayed me as in your messages because that's not who I am and I hope you can see that.

    - Blue
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  8. Givenchy

    Retired Staff

    May 1, 2015
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  9. Samiiii

    Retired Staff

    Dec 12, 2014
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    why are u comparing mega to huge servers with like 10,000 people +...

    Calling out Kadrek for starting drama? That ain't him fr, says the dude that took all the staff off the server..
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. The_Kadrek

    Retired Administrator

    May 28, 2014
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    First of all, Blue, I want to say that the "real problem" was and still is the swearing plugin. I still think that is a horrible solution to something that wasn't really a problem to begin with. But honestly, like I already said, that whole thing isn't even that big of a deal, none of this really was that big of a deal, but lets take it to the next level.
    You mean like the numerous and constant judgement you gave me over discord basically starting with the day I left for college? I mean come on.. If I do something you don't agree with, or don't like, why do you feel the need to say anything about it to me? Why not just let me do my own thing? I never gave you any shit for things you did that I didn't like. Never, until now I suppose.
    How in the world could I have taken that as a joke when for the past 9 months, you've literally given me more than enough judgement about it?? How would I ever think that is a joke after all the times you bashed me in front of many others in discord for it? Whether its a bad habit or not, I don't think its ever ok to judge someone like that so vocally in front of others.
    maybe because you only want to recognize the things about me that you don't like. Guess what, we have more than enough in common. how about our entire high school career. Our parents? Our friends? Our humor? Our personalities as a whole show enough similarities that I know for a fact you could focus on, at least I did. I never thought it was hard to relate to you or talk to you. ever. If you did, that's not my fault for doing drugs... that's your fault because its the only thing you want to focus on or think about when it comes to me.

    And about staff, I quit, all that, whatever. What I was talking about was my demotion from Helper. you didn't give me a warning, you didn't even say a word to me at all about demoting me. You just did it. Just a friendly warning like "hey kad btw we are thinking about demoting you since you don't really play anymore" is ALL I was asking for. And believe it or not, I would've been completely fine and ok with being demoted. I only had a problem because my own friend didn't have the balls to even say a word to me. You did it behind my back and EVEN AVOIDED ME AFTER THE FACT???
    I couldn't agree more. How sad of an ending this is for us. Not only did this manage to take away our only form of connection when we are on opposite sides of the country, but it also took away a friendship i didn't expect to be so easily trashed. I've moved on from minecraft for a few months now. Everything that has been said and done towards me about this video game I couldn't honestly care less. Right now, my thoughts towards you is how you treated me outside the game, and that's left me with very little will to want to mend this. I know you're not a dick, but what you said to me yesterday, the whole demotion situation, and everything else just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and I don't think thats terribly hard to understand.
  11. JackCosens

    Owner Retired Administrator

    Nov 7, 2014
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    MegaCraft can be compared to bigger servers like HiveMC and Hypixel. Mega is clearly trying to become more clean and professional and you are not helping matters by doing what Kadrek did but to me instead of Blue.

    I never dragged anyone away from any server. I created a personal teamspeak for me to speak to my friends on that's it. If they wanted to come on and speak to me than that was their choice. I never forced anyone to do anything and I never will so I suggest ending this topic here before it becomes a more serious matter @SamiDoesMC.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Maya_

    Retired Staff

    Sep 17, 2014
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    To be fair, it was their decision to leave in the first place. And no one has left anyway, aside from Xander, but he's back.
  13. The_Kadrek

    Retired Administrator

    May 28, 2014
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    can someone lock this thread? Blue saw what I had to say and I'd rather this thread not turn in to some orgy of bullshit like ^ is shaping up to be.
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