I'm not sure how long ago this was, but the real trogcity main warps are /warp trogcityrp or /warp trogcityplaza for those who are wondering. I never really use these forums, but I guess I'll start using them lol. Also if anyone was wanting to join trogcity as a builder msg me and show me something you have made. We want people not to pro but not to bad, just good looking fun friendly community stuff.
....... It's not like we can't, it's just that, she is putting the correct warps, and just saying things about trogcity, because whats the point in just correcting a warp, instead of saying information about that warp? Just.... Just.... I don't know.... But it's pretty much we can correct someone if we see if they did the wrong warp name, or anything.
We don't need old threads to come up to the top of the recent posts list, since whatever has been said has been dealt with. I believe that the rule is that you may not bump threads older than a month, however that may have changed recently. Also, I don't see any point in correcting the warp name if nobody's going to look at the thread because it's old... @Admin can we have a thread lock please?