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Why Internet, Why?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PortalPlayer2, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Fligmorg_the_Orc

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Lordy Jesus, I am catching a butt-ton of flak for this post. (the one about my builds not being accepted and about a different submission method) I will not take it down as some have suggested, and I want to address some things with this post.

    I have not changed a single word of the original post. How it is now is how it was when i posted it. I was not ranting and raving as most people over the internet seem to think when they read my post. HOWEVER. I wish there was a way that I could have been warned that there is no resubmition for plots and that the plot that I wanted to get my next rank with has now been rendered obsolete. I still can't resubmit plots (I just tried) and it is rather irritating being told afterwards by one person that your build is not worthy of the next rank up (not trying to be mean if that is what it seems like). It is also irritating for some people to be getting experienced, architect, and even reviewer ranks when I look at their build and all I can come up with as for how good their build is is, "Meh, it's alright." Also, several of the staff members that have seen my original appear to be taking it quite seriously, which is good, but please don't take this post or any of my posts personally. I am not pointing out a singular staffs fault, or any of the staff's fault for that matter. Again, I am not pointing out a singular staffs fault, or ANY of the staff's fault for that matter. I am not deliberately or unintentionally insulting anyone. I am not being cynical, snarky, sarcastic, hateful, angry, rude, bossy, bitchy, whiny, arrogant, condescending, belittling, and other synonyms when I make posts on the forum unless I say so in the text body. So please, for the sake of all things sacred and furry, stop responding as though I have called you all a bunch of eggheads! I love this server, and this post was to genuinely try and suggest some new ideas for the server as well as some solutions to problems at the time! Also, what is wrong with asking to see other people's builds to get a better understanding of what is considered an experienced or an architect level build? Generally when I do ask people if I can see their builds for whatever rank it may be, I am pleasantly surprised by what I see! So please, calm down and think before responding to this post in the future. Read it to yourself in a Morgan Freeman voice or perhaps in a tone of voice that you would hear at a jazz club's poetry reading (I use Morgan Freeman's voice when I am reading stuff, and it helps to create a more positive tone). Once again, I am not being sarcastic or jerky, I just want everyone to calm down and stop sending me death threats through the message board (nobody has actually done that, though I feel as that is what is coming next).

    Anyway, I know that was bit of text to read but please read it. I am waaaaaaaay done with this one-sided "Everyone vs. Portal" war that has erupted. I do not hate any of you (staff members), I do not even dislike any of you, and I don't want their to be any misinterpretations in the future! Thank you if you have actually read this post before responding again, it should certainly save some angry typing (hopefully). I might make this a separate post as well in order to get more people to see it.

    Sincerely and tiredly,