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    Join a lag free 1.12.2 creative server with WorldEdit, VoxelSniper and some of the best custom plugins and ranking systems out there!

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    Joining an island up in the sky exploring the world!

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    Custom 1.14.4 world and nether generation with claims, trades, sales and cool custom-coded plugins.

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    Wizard Academy

    Join hundreds of other Wizards and Witches. Fight your way to the top using a mixture of magic and tech! Pure PvP and Raiding.

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    VoidPack 2

    Survive on the minimum miles in the Sky. Alone...

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    Advanced Wizardry

    Unleash your magic skills and beat the environment with your friends.

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AJGaming Network

POLL: Opinions on a Creative Rank Revamp

Posted by BlueFusion12 on Jul 7, 2016

Hello everyone. Today I have a poll for you all to get your opinions on a new idea to revamp the Creative ranking system.

The new system would involve a competitive rating element following the initial Builder and Experienced ranks. Once you achieve Experienced, you qualify to submit any number of plots for review. Instead of being subjectively reviewed by a single staff member, each build would be rated by multiple staff members for a large quantity of elements from 1-10 (ex: Terraforming, Detail, Interior style(, etc.) as well as sorted into a style (Modern, medieval, organic, etc.). These parameters would then be fed into an algorithm and produce a score for the plot. After submitting a few plots, you would be assigned a "personal score" that reflects a quantitative analysis of your building skills.

Instead of having Architect and Artisan ranks, players above Experienced would receive a...
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New Donator Rank Perks!

Posted by BlueFusion12 on Jun 30, 2016

mc furniture.jpg
I've got some exciting news for those who have shown their support for MegaCraft and purchased one of the Donator Ranks! Each of the ranks have recently received an upgrade with some new and fun features to use!

  • Colored Signs (Use color codes on signs. For example "&6This is Gold!")
  • Access to /tp for direct teleportation (players can still choose to remain private by toggling teleport with /tptoggle)
  • Ability to place furniture! This is a brand new feature to MegaCreative which makes use of the new Armor Stand technology in Minecraft to allow for the creation of custom 3D models! Check out some of these awesome furniture pieces. (For more info about furniture see below)

  • Ability to set plot borders with /plot set border
  • Warp Signs
  • Enchant Signs
  • Free Signs
  • Gamemode Signs...
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MegaCraft Twitter

Posted by JackCosens on Jun 8, 2016

Hello Megacraftians!

As some of you may know we recently released our twitter page! We are trying to get users to lean over to this platform for fast support and questions. We have a small team of staff and non-staff watching our twitter feed answering and retweeting your posts.

To notify us of a related tweet please use the tag @MC_MegaCraft or use the hashtag #MegaCraft. If your tweet is relevant to our current state there is a high chance of us retweeting your tweet.

People can use this as fast support on bugs and reports, as well as using our support and reporting threads on our forums.

You can follow us by clicking HERE! Or click on the twitter icon at the bottom of our website page!

- MegaCraft Team
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MegaCraftGames Server Launch!

Posted by BlueFusion12 on Jun 4, 2016

Today is the big day. MegaCraftGames is here!

For information on what games the server offers and all the changes that have been made, check out the reveal thread here:

To join the Minigames server connect via
Use /lobby from the Creative server

Also, two new sections have been opened on the MegaCraft Shop. Mega Chests and Coin Multipliers can now both be purchased in packs!

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MegaCraft 2016 Summer Sale!

Posted by BlueFusion12 on Jun 1, 2016

It's that time of the year again... Summer is here! With the new MegaCraft Games server coming out in just a few days, we will be kicking off our annual summer sale with a bang!

For the month of June, all rank purchases will be 25% off! Furthermore, any rank purchases during June come with a free Basic Mega Chest Pack as well as one 3x Coin Multiplier to be used on the new Minigames server!

Furthermore, any additional Mega Chest Packs or Coin Multipliers will be 20% off for the duration of June! (these will be released when the MegaCraft Games server launches on June 4th)

Thank you all for your continued support. Without your generous support of the MegaCraft server, we wouldn't be where we are today!

- MegaCraft Team
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Build Competition

Posted by ItzAntony on Jun 1, 2016

Hey, Megacraftians! Congratulations to this months build competition winner! Bojangles999

This month's theme is: Beach

Prize! VIP for 1 month!

To enter the build competition you just need to do '/warp BC' and claim one plot.


Good Luck!
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May 2016 Top Voters

Posted by BlueFusion12 on Jun 1, 2016

Thanks to everyone who voted for the server this month!

Top Voters for May 2016:
1) Rana_Crafting: 108 Votes
2) thespeakerofFACE: 82 Votes
3) danicraft203: 75 Votes

Congrats to our top voter: @Rana_Crafting! Your account has been credited with one month of free VIP!

Didn't win this month? Be the top voter for June and receive your free month of VIP! Thanks again to everyone who showed their support by voting!

- MegaCraft Team
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Back To Teamspeak!

Posted by ItzAntony on May 31, 2016


Hey Everyone, recently we have switched back to Teamspeak. This is due to Discord being in its early stages so it is very laggy for some people. For the people that don't know what Teamspeak is, it's an application that allows you to speak with your friends and people from across the world. You can join our Teamspeak by connecting to the IP down below. Hopefully, once Discord is more advanced and is less laggy for people, we might switch back as it is a lot more user friendly and has a better GUI for people to interact with.

Teamspeak IP:
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Brace Yourself... Minigames is Coming

Posted by BlueFusion12 on May 22, 2016

Almost four years ago, MegaCraft 1.0 launched. We were nothing but a small semi-vanilla survival server in a world where the largest servers struggled to hold more than a hundred players. We had a small but tight-nit community. Fun was had and we learned a lot, but that style of server has long since had its time.

Two years ago, MegaCraft tried its hand at a new age survival server dubbed MegaCraft 2.0, which to much dismay, failed terribly. However something happened that I never expected. Our new Creative server, which was revamped in late 2013, began pulling in a lot more people. We had something special in the Creative server, something that others failed at. While other Creative servers sought to capitalize on the 'WorldEdit revolution," we stuck to our community roots and continued to offer the best experience we possibly could. Our players noticed that commitment and have allowed us to grow into the much more mature server we are today.

Now, we are about to take the...
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Build Competition

Posted by ItzAntony on May 14, 2016

Hey, Megacraftians! Congratulations to this months build competition winner! Bruno_Crafting

This month's theme is: Greek

Prize! VIP for 1 month!

To enter the build competition you just need to do '/warp BC' and claim one plot.


Good Luck!
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